Oleg can mean a graceful movement, while the beetle means tambulilingan inhaler nectar. Oleg Tambulilingan dance movements depict a beetle, which are in play and entirely mixed-mesraan with sekuntum flowers in a garden. Dance is very beautiful.
Oleg Tambulilingan dance, originally called Tambulilingan Mangisep Sari, is a creation I Ketut Mario's Tabanan in 1952 at the request of John Coast (of America).
I Terpujilah Mario. Oleg Tambulilingan the dance diraciknya in the year 1951 up to now always eternal. Teenage son and daughter always dreamed to be the perfect menarikannya. In addition romantisme as a symbol of man-woman, dance movement Oleg also contain characters that Balinese beauty. Photos Oleg always decorate the magazine, the ad flight, ad bank, roadside billboards and other media who want to depict the beauty of Bali khasnya. But not many know that the early first choreographer Mario I create this dance, let alone know who stil gerakannya original. To recognize Mario, Tabanan Disbudpar the Dance Festival Tambulilingan and Oleg Kebyar Terompong se-Bali, 25-27 March, the building in the Tabanan Mario.
I was born with the name of Mario I Ketut Maria. Only researchers from Europe and the U.S. - with the tongue West, of course - with the name I called Mario. The name was the name of the more popular indeed.
I name Mario lasting, because the value pemberontakannya the thick of the movement-dance movement Bali. He is considered the creator of the unique character movement, while loud romantic. But no one, if the Office of Culture and Tourism (Disbudpar) Tabanan have good intention Dance Festival organized Tambulilingan and Oleg Kebyar Terompong some time ago, at the same time to preserve the character kesenimanan choreographer meneladani traditional home of Tabanan.
Good intention Dsbudpar Tabanan can welcome this great son of teenagers and girls in all Bali. In the committee notes, hundreds of youth participants enrolled, but the committee will only provide a place for 40 pairs of dancers and 16 dancers Oleg Kebyar Terompong. This amount is much larger rather than a competition held only a year ago followed by dozens of participants.
Why do young people so enthusiastic about taking this? Of course many reasons why. In addition to the amount of gift is quite spectacular (total Rp 37 million), they have a competitive mental high to prove he Oleg best dancers in Bali. "Dancing Oleg is soft but have a high level of difficulty, so I really want to be the best dancers from all over Oleg in Bali," the recognition Wiwik, a participant who came from far Karangasem.
More noble intention of Disbudpar which is commendable desires choreography I stil maintain that Mario is typical. The problem, in the development of dance and Oleg Kebyar Terompong lately there is such a sense of suspicion that the "Oleg the original Mario" will disappear crushed a wave of creativity is not necessarily the direction. Worries that come from one of the students I Mario, I Gusti Agung Ngurah Supartha, which also acts as the race jury.
Former Head of Taman Budaya Denpasar this menuturkan, in the development of dance and Oleg Kebyar Terompong indeed there are any changes of good movement. However, if observed carefully, the change is more bad. For example, many going simplification. One example in the movement tulak angsul. According to him, in the movement ngrangrang become ngelung left and there are elements pacak gulu movement tulak angsul. If counted, said Supartha, indeed in this series there are six movements, but the normal movement simplified into two, namely the movement of tulak and angsul only. "But there were also elements ngeleog, ngelier and so forth," he said.
From the property, he said, is now male dancers and Oleg Kebyar Terompong many use the short kancut. But Mario deliberately create kancut round 5 meters to create a beautiful dance perfection. Previously, kenangnya, a dancer to learn many months only to ngampigan kancut. Similarly, with the fan. Fan, stylishly dressed in Mario, always playing with the perfection of complex finger movement. "But now ordinary fan only gejer-gejer course," he said.
Introduction stil Mario, according to the consultant of art and culture in Washinton DC KBRI this, not to memasung creativity. But even as the trigger with the creativity to introduce the young generation forms of rebellion choreography made Mario on time. In Oleg Tambulilingan, he said, can be symbols of rebellion movement in the art of dance Mario Bali.
A young art observer Tabanan, Putu Dewi Arista, recognizes the original Mario stil should carefully known. Many top of the movement's achievement of a difficult Mario ditandingi artists today. For example, in terms of the property; fan, terompong pelvis, kancut and so forth, in the creation of dance movement Mario not only function as a tool only. However, it integrates property, mutual support with the body movement of the dancers. Hence, the owner Sanggar Tari Taman Budaya rate this race held Disbudpar can be used as a trigger stil Mario introduction to the younger generation. However, Arista hopes Disbudpar parties or anyone who is responsible for art and culture in Bali, so that the development is ongoing. Not enough just to race, also give workshops to coach-builder studio in Bali.
Expressed similar hope Trisna Ayu Dewi Prihatini. Owner Sanggar Tari Ayu Mario stil hope this is not so hurried dilestarikan extinct and not being home-usulnya. How, such as word Arista, Ayu suggest ongoing workshop is done, every week, even every sunday. Hope this support from the lecturers karawitan STSI origin Tunjuk, Tabanan, I Made Arnawa, SSKar. According to him, competition is very good to prove the extent to which the creation Mario has again revised and applied by choreographer successor. From here, he said, can be introduced again stil-stil Mario real movement. And, this is a challenge for the responsible arts in Bali. How, not just the race, also hold workshops on a regular basis. "That way, the creation of a unique story as well as the spirit of dance Oleg berkesenian Mario can also be widely known," he said.
From Sleeping Beauty''''
Story of the creation of dance Oleg Tambulilingan the kink at the same time unique. In scientific orasi delivered at the opening race, on Monday (25 / 3), the Rector of ISI Yogyakarta Prof. Dr. I Made Bandem told, in 1950 there came a British impresario Jhon Coast. Former British Embassy staff in Jakarta with his wife settled in Kaliungu, Denpasar, for two years. To achieve a cultural diplomacy, he was eager to bring a large arts mission to Europe and the U.S.. He is also facing President Soekarno, and the intention is approved.
Jhon Coast to set up mission keseniannya of Bali. From books foreign research reports available to the 1920's and 1930's, the Coast to know about famous dancers I Mario and I Sampih students from Peliatan, Ubud. Coast are friends with both players and kendang Chairman Sekaa Gong Peliatan Anak Agung Gde Mandera, so that through Mandera, I can finally finding Mario. Mandera send I find I Sampih to Banjar Bee Mario, Tabanan. At first I refused to join Mario back to Sekaa Gong because Peliatan feel old and ill-weakly. Mario age at the time estimated more than 50 years. However, on the insistence of insistently I Sampih, cockfighting chicken fans that want to eventually Peliatan.
In April 1951, when Jhon Coast have the certainty of a mission to bring art to Europe and the U.S., I ask him with Mario Anak Agung Gde Mandera create new dance to complete repertori Peliatan the gong at that time have only Janger and Legong dance palace. Mario Coast offer I create a new dance with the dancers Legong palace, Ni Gusti Ayu RAKA Rasmin, and dancers Kebyar Sit down, I Sampih. Maestro, who was born in Belaluan, Denpasar, in 1899 this menyanggupinya, but in a time long enough and do not think he has the idea to create a dance Coast.
John Coast stimulate I showed Mario with books Ballet dance classic that has photos dance duet Sleeping Beauty, a story of romance with the daughter Aurora kekasihnya Prince Charming. Mario imagination also risen. From the photographs that he got inspiration to create a dance Oleg Tambulilingan. He teaches directly Sampih I tabuh simple songs to start training with Ni Gusti Ayu RAKA Rasmin. After the stem-body dance realized roughly, turn Sekaa Gong Peliatan taught tabuh song. The song is a song kebyar taught dance for men. From the story that eventually terciptalah dance duet that up to now is monumental.
At first I mention Mario ciptaannya dance with the name Tumulilingan Mangisep Sari, but in the development of the next dance is known as the Oleg Tambulilingan. Dancing dipentaskan this the first time at the end of July 1951 Peliatan, Ubud, when John Coast and Sekaa Gong Peliatan serve about 120 members of the delegation Organitation United Nations (UN) after a conference in Denpasar, Bali Hotel. Before the members of the delegation that I also show Mario taksu its dance show when Kebyar Terompong I Sampih together.
The creation of a unique story Oleg this, according to Arista, can be tracked kesenimanan Mario character is hard, thick and compromise. He took inspiration from the West (dance Ballet), also maintain the movement classic Legong palace Janger and little nuance. In the case of the rebellion movement, Mario was known even before the first to create a dance kekebyaran a spirited, aggressive and attractive, so many of the artists agreed Mario sincere. He was a maestro.
I Gusti Ayu RAKA, dancers First Oleg Tamulilingan
Oleg Tambulilingan dance of life in the "immortality."
Pulau Dewata teenagers always fancy dance to the "romantic" is the perfect. But to be able to dance Oleg Tambulilingan the plenary, it is not easy.
Oleg Tambulilingan is a dance on agility olah gamelan instruments accompanied the body of "racikan" (alm) I Ketut Maria, Tabanan original artists.
Choreographer who is well known as a call to make Mario Tamulilingan as a very famous icon to the world.
I Gusti Ayu is RAKA (68), women's lucky that I Ketut Maria didaulat become prime dancers dance "romantisme it.
Supple woman's body through the birth of Gianyar, 31 December 1939, the Oleg Tamulilingan transpire.
Mother of four children who still enerjik at the age of senjanya was indeed subjugate his life to dancing.
"When not dancing, the body feels dumb. I'm glad hand Legong and Oleg Tamulilingan to the next generation as a holy sacrifice (nyadnya)," said his wife (deceased) Anak Agung Gede Djelantik it.
Thanks to the charisma, skill and agility held, Ayu RAKA fly to various countries for dancing Oleg Tamulilingan.
Female figure that is still "save" the remnants enamor face it, the first time pay a visit to Paris, then to Europe and the United States in 1953.
When the tread age of 12 years, Ayu RAKA join the Sekaha Gong Peliatan, Ubud artists colony.
Lawatan team of Indonesia is to reach the extraordinary success and Ayu RAKA cilik dielu was welcome as dancers stars.
An original English impresario, John Coast crown Ayu RAKA stars as dancers, thanks to a spectacular appearance at Condong Legong dancing, Garuda and Oleg Tamulilingan.
Ayu RAKA become even cover book "Dancing Out of Bali" the paper John Coast.
Ayu RAKA also had a lawatan to China (1959), Pakistan (1964), Japan (1968), Australia (1971), Europe (1973), United States (1982) and Singapore (1996).
Ayu RAKA, eldest daughter of the five brothers pair I Gusti Putu Pageh-Ni Gusti Putu Kompyang that since very early dance like Bali. He diasuh artists Gusti Made you a Sengog, than get a strong motivation from both parents.
Women's team that often reinforce the arts melanglang Buana Bali. Until now RAKA Ayu still active transmit Legong dance and Oleg Tambuliling to the next generation.
"Age may dusk, but the spirit can not be sirna," he said.
Somehow not counted how many thousands of artists born binaannya results, including the artists you a terhimpun Mani Cudo studio in Ubud, which periodically have scheduled manggung abroad.
Experience Weight
Ayu RAKA does not necessarily become a star. To become a maestro Oleg Tamulilingan he have to "conduct" is heavy.
At the time, to get "agem" a strong body should be prone on the floor, then diinjak-indak under the second and tied stagen axilla.
"To melatihan movement ngelayak` `, he had to lean on the table or wall," he said. Body truly a pain in the day after the exercise.
During the study of dance Oleg I Ketut Maria, Ayu RAKA digembleng with the various movements difficult. Mario, according to Ayu RAKA often fierce valid, if the students do binaannya "agem and tanjek" is not correct and less smile.
Dancing the story of Oleg Tambulilingan indeed unique and serpentine. According gurubesar Indonesia Arts Institute (ISI) Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Made Bandem, in 1950 there came a British impresario, Jhon Coast. Former British Embassy staff in Jakarta with his wife settled in Kaliungu, Denpasar, for two years.
To achieve a cultural diplomacy, he was eager to bring a large arts mission to Europe and the U.S.. He is also facing President Soekarno time, to convey the intention of eventually get a blessing.
John Coast prepare keseniannya mission in Pulau Dewata. Books of foreign research reports available on the 1920-1930-an dipelajarinya and eventually find out about famous dancers I Mario and his Peliatan I Sampih of Ubud.
Coast are friends with both players and kendang Chairman Sekeha Gong Peliatan Anak Agung Gde Mandera, so that through Mandera, I can finally finding Mario.
Mandera send I find I Sampih Mario Bee Tabanan to Banjar. At first I refused to join Mario back to Sekeha Gong because Peliatan feel old and ill-weakly. Mario age at the time estimated more than 50 years.
However, the insistence on the approach and I Sampih, fans sabung chicken that finally want to Peliatan. In April 1951, when John Coast mission will bring the arts to Europe and the U.S., I ask him with Mario Anak Agung Gde Mandera create new dance to complete repertori Gong Peliatan who then have only Janger and Legong dance palace.
Mario Coast offer I create a new dance with the dancers Legong palace, Ni Gusti Ayu RAKA Rasmi and dancers Kebyar Sit down, I Sampih.
Maestro, who was born in 1899 in Denpasar Belaluan this menyanggupinya, but after a long time and think he has no idea it was to create a dance Coast.
John Coast stimulate I showed Mario with books Classical Ballet Dance featuring photographs of dance "Sleeping Beauty", a story of romance with the daughter Aurora kekasihnya Prince Charming.
Mario imagination also risen. From the photographs that he got inspiration to create a dance Oleg Tamulilingan. He teaches directly Sampih I tabuh simple songs to start training with Ni Gusti Ayu RAKA Rasmi.
After the stem-body dance realized roughly, turn sekeha Gong Peliatan kebyar taught tabuh track to accompany the dance men.
From the story that eventually terciptakan monumental dance duet that, although originally I mention the name of Mario Tumulilingan Mangisep Sari, but ultimately more popular with the dance Oleg Tambulilingan.
Oleg Tambulilingan dance, originally called Tambulilingan Mangisep Sari, is a creation I Ketut Mario's Tabanan in 1952 at the request of John Coast (of America).
I Terpujilah Mario. Oleg Tambulilingan the dance diraciknya in the year 1951 up to now always eternal. Teenage son and daughter always dreamed to be the perfect menarikannya. In addition romantisme as a symbol of man-woman, dance movement Oleg also contain characters that Balinese beauty. Photos Oleg always decorate the magazine, the ad flight, ad bank, roadside billboards and other media who want to depict the beauty of Bali khasnya. But not many know that the early first choreographer Mario I create this dance, let alone know who stil gerakannya original. To recognize Mario, Tabanan Disbudpar the Dance Festival Tambulilingan and Oleg Kebyar Terompong se-Bali, 25-27 March, the building in the Tabanan Mario.
I was born with the name of Mario I Ketut Maria. Only researchers from Europe and the U.S. - with the tongue West, of course - with the name I called Mario. The name was the name of the more popular indeed.
I name Mario lasting, because the value pemberontakannya the thick of the movement-dance movement Bali. He is considered the creator of the unique character movement, while loud romantic. But no one, if the Office of Culture and Tourism (Disbudpar) Tabanan have good intention Dance Festival organized Tambulilingan and Oleg Kebyar Terompong some time ago, at the same time to preserve the character kesenimanan choreographer meneladani traditional home of Tabanan.
Good intention Dsbudpar Tabanan can welcome this great son of teenagers and girls in all Bali. In the committee notes, hundreds of youth participants enrolled, but the committee will only provide a place for 40 pairs of dancers and 16 dancers Oleg Kebyar Terompong. This amount is much larger rather than a competition held only a year ago followed by dozens of participants.
Why do young people so enthusiastic about taking this? Of course many reasons why. In addition to the amount of gift is quite spectacular (total Rp 37 million), they have a competitive mental high to prove he Oleg best dancers in Bali. "Dancing Oleg is soft but have a high level of difficulty, so I really want to be the best dancers from all over Oleg in Bali," the recognition Wiwik, a participant who came from far Karangasem.
More noble intention of Disbudpar which is commendable desires choreography I stil maintain that Mario is typical. The problem, in the development of dance and Oleg Kebyar Terompong lately there is such a sense of suspicion that the "Oleg the original Mario" will disappear crushed a wave of creativity is not necessarily the direction. Worries that come from one of the students I Mario, I Gusti Agung Ngurah Supartha, which also acts as the race jury.
Former Head of Taman Budaya Denpasar this menuturkan, in the development of dance and Oleg Kebyar Terompong indeed there are any changes of good movement. However, if observed carefully, the change is more bad. For example, many going simplification. One example in the movement tulak angsul. According to him, in the movement ngrangrang become ngelung left and there are elements pacak gulu movement tulak angsul. If counted, said Supartha, indeed in this series there are six movements, but the normal movement simplified into two, namely the movement of tulak and angsul only. "But there were also elements ngeleog, ngelier and so forth," he said.
From the property, he said, is now male dancers and Oleg Kebyar Terompong many use the short kancut. But Mario deliberately create kancut round 5 meters to create a beautiful dance perfection. Previously, kenangnya, a dancer to learn many months only to ngampigan kancut. Similarly, with the fan. Fan, stylishly dressed in Mario, always playing with the perfection of complex finger movement. "But now ordinary fan only gejer-gejer course," he said.
Introduction stil Mario, according to the consultant of art and culture in Washinton DC KBRI this, not to memasung creativity. But even as the trigger with the creativity to introduce the young generation forms of rebellion choreography made Mario on time. In Oleg Tambulilingan, he said, can be symbols of rebellion movement in the art of dance Mario Bali.
A young art observer Tabanan, Putu Dewi Arista, recognizes the original Mario stil should carefully known. Many top of the movement's achievement of a difficult Mario ditandingi artists today. For example, in terms of the property; fan, terompong pelvis, kancut and so forth, in the creation of dance movement Mario not only function as a tool only. However, it integrates property, mutual support with the body movement of the dancers. Hence, the owner Sanggar Tari Taman Budaya rate this race held Disbudpar can be used as a trigger stil Mario introduction to the younger generation. However, Arista hopes Disbudpar parties or anyone who is responsible for art and culture in Bali, so that the development is ongoing. Not enough just to race, also give workshops to coach-builder studio in Bali.
Expressed similar hope Trisna Ayu Dewi Prihatini. Owner Sanggar Tari Ayu Mario stil hope this is not so hurried dilestarikan extinct and not being home-usulnya. How, such as word Arista, Ayu suggest ongoing workshop is done, every week, even every sunday. Hope this support from the lecturers karawitan STSI origin Tunjuk, Tabanan, I Made Arnawa, SSKar. According to him, competition is very good to prove the extent to which the creation Mario has again revised and applied by choreographer successor. From here, he said, can be introduced again stil-stil Mario real movement. And, this is a challenge for the responsible arts in Bali. How, not just the race, also hold workshops on a regular basis. "That way, the creation of a unique story as well as the spirit of dance Oleg berkesenian Mario can also be widely known," he said.
From Sleeping Beauty''''
Story of the creation of dance Oleg Tambulilingan the kink at the same time unique. In scientific orasi delivered at the opening race, on Monday (25 / 3), the Rector of ISI Yogyakarta Prof. Dr. I Made Bandem told, in 1950 there came a British impresario Jhon Coast. Former British Embassy staff in Jakarta with his wife settled in Kaliungu, Denpasar, for two years. To achieve a cultural diplomacy, he was eager to bring a large arts mission to Europe and the U.S.. He is also facing President Soekarno, and the intention is approved.
Jhon Coast to set up mission keseniannya of Bali. From books foreign research reports available to the 1920's and 1930's, the Coast to know about famous dancers I Mario and I Sampih students from Peliatan, Ubud. Coast are friends with both players and kendang Chairman Sekaa Gong Peliatan Anak Agung Gde Mandera, so that through Mandera, I can finally finding Mario. Mandera send I find I Sampih to Banjar Bee Mario, Tabanan. At first I refused to join Mario back to Sekaa Gong because Peliatan feel old and ill-weakly. Mario age at the time estimated more than 50 years. However, on the insistence of insistently I Sampih, cockfighting chicken fans that want to eventually Peliatan.
In April 1951, when Jhon Coast have the certainty of a mission to bring art to Europe and the U.S., I ask him with Mario Anak Agung Gde Mandera create new dance to complete repertori Peliatan the gong at that time have only Janger and Legong dance palace. Mario Coast offer I create a new dance with the dancers Legong palace, Ni Gusti Ayu RAKA Rasmin, and dancers Kebyar Sit down, I Sampih. Maestro, who was born in Belaluan, Denpasar, in 1899 this menyanggupinya, but in a time long enough and do not think he has the idea to create a dance Coast.
John Coast stimulate I showed Mario with books Ballet dance classic that has photos dance duet Sleeping Beauty, a story of romance with the daughter Aurora kekasihnya Prince Charming. Mario imagination also risen. From the photographs that he got inspiration to create a dance Oleg Tambulilingan. He teaches directly Sampih I tabuh simple songs to start training with Ni Gusti Ayu RAKA Rasmin. After the stem-body dance realized roughly, turn Sekaa Gong Peliatan taught tabuh song. The song is a song kebyar taught dance for men. From the story that eventually terciptalah dance duet that up to now is monumental.
At first I mention Mario ciptaannya dance with the name Tumulilingan Mangisep Sari, but in the development of the next dance is known as the Oleg Tambulilingan. Dancing dipentaskan this the first time at the end of July 1951 Peliatan, Ubud, when John Coast and Sekaa Gong Peliatan serve about 120 members of the delegation Organitation United Nations (UN) after a conference in Denpasar, Bali Hotel. Before the members of the delegation that I also show Mario taksu its dance show when Kebyar Terompong I Sampih together.
The creation of a unique story Oleg this, according to Arista, can be tracked kesenimanan Mario character is hard, thick and compromise. He took inspiration from the West (dance Ballet), also maintain the movement classic Legong palace Janger and little nuance. In the case of the rebellion movement, Mario was known even before the first to create a dance kekebyaran a spirited, aggressive and attractive, so many of the artists agreed Mario sincere. He was a maestro.
I Gusti Ayu RAKA, dancers First Oleg Tamulilingan
Oleg Tambulilingan dance of life in the "immortality."
Pulau Dewata teenagers always fancy dance to the "romantic" is the perfect. But to be able to dance Oleg Tambulilingan the plenary, it is not easy.
Oleg Tambulilingan is a dance on agility olah gamelan instruments accompanied the body of "racikan" (alm) I Ketut Maria, Tabanan original artists.
Choreographer who is well known as a call to make Mario Tamulilingan as a very famous icon to the world.
I Gusti Ayu is RAKA (68), women's lucky that I Ketut Maria didaulat become prime dancers dance "romantisme it.
Supple woman's body through the birth of Gianyar, 31 December 1939, the Oleg Tamulilingan transpire.
Mother of four children who still enerjik at the age of senjanya was indeed subjugate his life to dancing.
"When not dancing, the body feels dumb. I'm glad hand Legong and Oleg Tamulilingan to the next generation as a holy sacrifice (nyadnya)," said his wife (deceased) Anak Agung Gede Djelantik it.
Thanks to the charisma, skill and agility held, Ayu RAKA fly to various countries for dancing Oleg Tamulilingan.
Female figure that is still "save" the remnants enamor face it, the first time pay a visit to Paris, then to Europe and the United States in 1953.
When the tread age of 12 years, Ayu RAKA join the Sekaha Gong Peliatan, Ubud artists colony.
Lawatan team of Indonesia is to reach the extraordinary success and Ayu RAKA cilik dielu was welcome as dancers stars.
An original English impresario, John Coast crown Ayu RAKA stars as dancers, thanks to a spectacular appearance at Condong Legong dancing, Garuda and Oleg Tamulilingan.
Ayu RAKA become even cover book "Dancing Out of Bali" the paper John Coast.
Ayu RAKA also had a lawatan to China (1959), Pakistan (1964), Japan (1968), Australia (1971), Europe (1973), United States (1982) and Singapore (1996).
Ayu RAKA, eldest daughter of the five brothers pair I Gusti Putu Pageh-Ni Gusti Putu Kompyang that since very early dance like Bali. He diasuh artists Gusti Made you a Sengog, than get a strong motivation from both parents.
Women's team that often reinforce the arts melanglang Buana Bali. Until now RAKA Ayu still active transmit Legong dance and Oleg Tambuliling to the next generation.
"Age may dusk, but the spirit can not be sirna," he said.
Somehow not counted how many thousands of artists born binaannya results, including the artists you a terhimpun Mani Cudo studio in Ubud, which periodically have scheduled manggung abroad.
Experience Weight
Ayu RAKA does not necessarily become a star. To become a maestro Oleg Tamulilingan he have to "conduct" is heavy.
At the time, to get "agem" a strong body should be prone on the floor, then diinjak-indak under the second and tied stagen axilla.
"To melatihan movement ngelayak` `, he had to lean on the table or wall," he said. Body truly a pain in the day after the exercise.
During the study of dance Oleg I Ketut Maria, Ayu RAKA digembleng with the various movements difficult. Mario, according to Ayu RAKA often fierce valid, if the students do binaannya "agem and tanjek" is not correct and less smile.
Dancing the story of Oleg Tambulilingan indeed unique and serpentine. According gurubesar Indonesia Arts Institute (ISI) Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Made Bandem, in 1950 there came a British impresario, Jhon Coast. Former British Embassy staff in Jakarta with his wife settled in Kaliungu, Denpasar, for two years.
To achieve a cultural diplomacy, he was eager to bring a large arts mission to Europe and the U.S.. He is also facing President Soekarno time, to convey the intention of eventually get a blessing.
John Coast prepare keseniannya mission in Pulau Dewata. Books of foreign research reports available on the 1920-1930-an dipelajarinya and eventually find out about famous dancers I Mario and his Peliatan I Sampih of Ubud.
Coast are friends with both players and kendang Chairman Sekeha Gong Peliatan Anak Agung Gde Mandera, so that through Mandera, I can finally finding Mario.
Mandera send I find I Sampih Mario Bee Tabanan to Banjar. At first I refused to join Mario back to Sekeha Gong because Peliatan feel old and ill-weakly. Mario age at the time estimated more than 50 years.
However, the insistence on the approach and I Sampih, fans sabung chicken that finally want to Peliatan. In April 1951, when John Coast mission will bring the arts to Europe and the U.S., I ask him with Mario Anak Agung Gde Mandera create new dance to complete repertori Gong Peliatan who then have only Janger and Legong dance palace.
Mario Coast offer I create a new dance with the dancers Legong palace, Ni Gusti Ayu RAKA Rasmi and dancers Kebyar Sit down, I Sampih.
Maestro, who was born in 1899 in Denpasar Belaluan this menyanggupinya, but after a long time and think he has no idea it was to create a dance Coast.
John Coast stimulate I showed Mario with books Classical Ballet Dance featuring photographs of dance "Sleeping Beauty", a story of romance with the daughter Aurora kekasihnya Prince Charming.
Mario imagination also risen. From the photographs that he got inspiration to create a dance Oleg Tamulilingan. He teaches directly Sampih I tabuh simple songs to start training with Ni Gusti Ayu RAKA Rasmi.
After the stem-body dance realized roughly, turn sekeha Gong Peliatan kebyar taught tabuh track to accompany the dance men.
From the story that eventually terciptakan monumental dance duet that, although originally I mention the name of Mario Tumulilingan Mangisep Sari, but ultimately more popular with the dance Oleg Tambulilingan.
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