Hopefully there is no obstruction
Pranamyam sira dewam, bhuktimukti itarttaya, prawaksyatwa wijneyah, brahmanam ksatriyadih, patayeswarah.
After kalahnya Majesty King Bedahulu in Bali, by his Sri Aji Gemet Kala, as a protective area, which is located in Majalange, the situation in Bali at that time to be quiet, not so good time Patih Nirada Mada, see the order is broken, he was named Dang Hyang Kapakisan, a pandita already perfect, he used as bagawanta by Nirada Mada, he berputra the birth of the stones, the results of his cult to Hyang Surya (Asurya sewana), so get a woman in the park, that he eventually used by his wife , he finally berputralah men three people, one is a woman, they are nominated by the Gajah Mada to rule, dimohon to the pastor, the oldest dinobatkan in Brambangan, adiknya ruled in Pasuruhan, and the youngest to become the ruler in the region Bangsul ( balinese), called Dalem Sri Kresna Kepakisan, I Dewa Wawu Rawuh his name, he beristana in the village Samprangan, no longer a vassal of the king as bertahta Bali Aga Kapakisan the title Maharaja, among them, he Sirarya Kanuruhan, Wangbang Arya, Arya Kenceng , Dalancang Arya, Arya Tan Wikan, Pangalasan Arya, Arya Manguri, sira Wang Bang, Kuta last Arya Waringin, and have three more people wesya, named Tan Kober, Kawur Tan, Tan Backward
Long run wafatlah he Dalem Sri Kapakisan, he leaves three sons of men, one woman, who first called Dalem Samprangan, he is like oneself, the second called Dalem Tarukan, he is less healthy, wed her female relatives with the horse, the next youngest He called Dalem Ketut, who he replaces his father's position, then switch to the palace Swecalinggarsapura.
After his return to the afterlife, he is replaced by her son, who called Dalem Watu Renggong. After he died, he was replaced by her son, who titled Sagening Dalem, the next lot down the children and grandchildren, that is why there are levels of dignity kebangsawanan noble family (scoundrelly, medium, and major). They are the first son, by his Sri Aji Dalem Sagening
He told Kapakisan Arya, as mahapatih area Bali, the oldest son, he called Nyuh Aya, his younger brother Arya Asak, as He ancestor royalty Mengwi.
As he Arya Nyuh Aya, he berputra seven people, the oldest he Ki Patandakan Arya, his brother Ki Kasatrya Arya, Ki Pelangan Arya, Arya Akah, he Kaloping Arya, Arya Cacaran, and his Arya Anggan.
Back told the son he Ki Arya Cacaran, Ki Pananggungan Arya, Arya berputra Ki Pasimpangan, berputra Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, intrepid in his battle, he died in combat in Pasuruhan, he died young, he is the son, named Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik Bogol, for his father died in circumstances without weapons
Re-told, is a woman named Si Luh Pasek Panji, he really came from the village of Panji Den Hill area, he became abdinya Sri Aji Dalem Sagening, he is mature girl, at the time of day is good, only accidental Si Luh Pasek are void small (urine), urinary Si Luh terpijak by Pasek he Dalem, land used to feel hot water kencingnya, he Dalem subside, the next question he abdinya, who have used the urine, which is indeed asked to explain, that the Si Luh Pasek have used the urine, that's when he Dalem Sri Aji Sagening speculate mikirkan virtue Si-Luh Pasek Panji, a startled birahinya arise, because dimabuk love, finally digauli Si Luh Pasek, he finally succeeded diperistri by Aji Sri Dalem Sagening, accompanied by the completeness of the ceremony a wife, either how long, finally Si Luh Pasek look pregnant.
Finally, remember he Dalem Sri Aji Bali, because of time already arrived, he died to the afterlife, but there is no retribution against his Arya Jarantik, as the people trust him, because a lot of dedication that has been done with respect and obey his serve during the , from his first ancestor, with loyalty and obedience is strong, the growing feeling of affection he Dalem Sri Aji. That is why Si Luh Pasek Panji already given to pregnant Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, but there will be a message Dalem, to Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, that does not interfere menggauli sexual, and there is more promise Dalem, and when the child is born, so that Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik are willing to adopt as a foster child, that child with his brothers, named Ki Ngurah Jarantik, which have grown, does not deny that they are commanded.
How long has somehow, time will be after the birth, the child was born, he Si Luh Pasek Panji men are stacked without blemish, the crown of the child out light, as a potential leader, and the sacred and the winner in the battle, His heart Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik very happy, after being told Dalem, then the child
diupacarai, according to the Ngurah Arya Jarantik ceremony, the next child is given the name of Ki Barak Panji. The wife Ki Ngurah Jarantik, the heart does not agree, very morose and grief his heart, so that children see, that arise envy him, not because of the birth itself, will cause the child is suspected he tersisih later, for his own children, not Therefore perbawanya, kejengkelannya swallowed it, hidden in the heart continuously.
After Ki Barak Panji adult, he is to the king, to serve Sri Aji Dalem Sagening, next dikumpulkannya with my son the other Arya, who together serve.
Suddenly the night, when people fall asleep in the palace lelap, accidental Dalem Sri Aji ruangannya and out, accompanied by the empress, he appeared by two, there are rays of holy signifies prestige, at the head of one of abdinya, who was sleeping, terkejutlah he was two, then diperiksalah the servant who was sleeping, he setiba there, suddenly the rays disappear, then the child is sacred coruscate ditandailah with lime by his Sri Aji Dalem Sagening.
Next day, the Ki Barak Panji tersurat limestone, there Dalem Sri Aji Sagening believe the words Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, that the true crown child is out light, he overcloud heart, liver, he is very Dalem affection, but there will be ditakutkan in the heart, may Ki Barak Panji, will beat her son, who is expected to replace the king.
The long run, about twelve years after the general Ki Barak Panji, worried and suspicious heart Dalem, empress and their sire, as well as mind Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, including his wife, so he confer Dalem, accompanied by Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, search resourceful effort, trying to be separated from the accident spot, after the speech finished, Ki Barak Panji area is home to his mother in the village of Panji, Den Hill
Towards the departure to the village of Panji, he Dalem Sri Aji Sagening, is ready with a suite of my son, forty many people, has teruji keberaniannya, as the leader, called Dumpyung, along with Ki Dosot, and again there is a gift, give pengiringnya weapons keris, the Overall amounted to forty, the same chip, but when Dalem give the division of the keris pengiringnya one by one, in fact there are still left behind sebilah, in the form Mundarang Cacaran Bangbang (a kind of keris)
Then again gathered together the keris, after forty collected enough, the next is more keris share, as much as forty that, after obtaining the one by one, and the rest have one more blade, in the form Mundarang Cacaran Bangbang, as before, confused He Dalem Sagening heart, along with Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, and after repeated re-again, constantly keris is distributed, there is also the keris sebilah the rest, as they are.
After so occur in the new heart he Sri Aji Bali, terpikirkan that the keris is a behind, a relic of Ki Gusti Panji (Ki Barak Panji) actually, that is why the keris remaining, then given Ki Gusti Panji, already a relic Dalem given to him, others of those, there are more of a Dalem sebilah spear, called Ki Tunjung said, Ki Pangkajatatwa another name.
After he Dalem indue Ki Gusti Panji, at the time of day is good, he Ki Gusti Panji ask ourselves, then he went to the Den Hill, with the keris Dalem, accompanied by his mother, accompanied by Ki Ki Dumpyung that bring Pangkajatatwa, and Ki Dosot , along with the other train servant of thirty
Travel told Ki Gusti Panji, after he went from city Gelgel, drop in Jarantik, to worship in the city Jarantik, then go to the north, next to the west, entering the area Samprangan, then continue to the west, entering the area Kawisunya, achieved region Bandana that, next to his northwest, toward the Lake Pabaratan, after a four-day trip, he Ki Gusti Panji, stay in the trip, when the sun is slanting to the west, climbing a hill Watu Saga, Den Hill area, he stop there, while he was eating a Ketupat stock, and he choke-sedak time to eat (kilen-kilen), and Ki Dumpyung are going to see the water far below, and Ki Pangkajatatwa weapons, received by Si Luh Pasek Panji, and base tangkainya ditancapkan in the land , meant to put it, positively terbukti Hyang Widi his magnanimous, and radiate out from the holy water in the soil, which is ditancapi, roughly equal to the vessel out of water, but there is no flow to the outside of the hole, only remain as they are, very extraordinary purity of water, no measurable them all happy, especially his Ki Gusti Panji, and he drank water, the story so that the water first, then given the name of Banyu Anaman, Toya Katipat another name, to until now
After all finished eating, along with all pengiringnya, then return to continue his journey, turn to the west, when the day is the afternoon, the sun was already leaning to the west, to the sea and drowned. He Ki Gusti Panji chance is in the journey, on the Lake Bubuyan, suddenly a man came appearances, called Ki Panji Landung, direct dicegat Ki Gusti Panji, carried to the top, not the high estimated Ki Panji Landung, after it feels like heaven disundul pikirnya, and Ki Gusti Panji ordered to see to the east, he appeared by Ki Gusti Panji mountain Toya Anyar, are seen to the north, does not look anything, just look wide ocean, and he is to see to the west, appeared to go mountain Banger high, then again he is facing to the south, next Ki Gusti Panji told that was revealed, because he did not hear the power of mourning for his mother looked to the air, alone under the lie on the ground, along with followers of all, that is why Ki Gusti Panji down from the top, then saying grace states Ki Panji Landung, only to see such power, you can kuasai then, as a leader in the area of Bukit Den, you kuasai-glued to the corners of all, the words Ki Panji Landung, gift giving Ki Gusti Panji, after Ki Gusti Panji tread the ground, gaiblah Ki Panji Landung, immediately arises ibundanya hearts rejoice, along with all the followers, all the running, do not mind day and night, for a place that almost arrived dituju, equally expects to soon arrive in the area of Panji, the fact is thanks to gift gods, so do not get a pullback and others, and he survived the trip, next day early in the morning bright-light soil, suddenly, he Ki Gusti Panji has been in the area of Panji, the mother's family home, very happy family relative all, hasten to meet, prepare treat more, not long he Ki Gusti Panji Panji in the region, pengiringnya as many as thirty-eight to go home Swecanagara, which is still only participate Dumpyung with Ki Ki Dosot, as bound by love sir, never separate them both, the way he Ki Gusti Panji, to which any-chatting, bringing the keris
Told that they have successfully become a regional leader Panji, called Ki Pungakan Gendis, beristana in the Village of Gendis, all who enter the area Gendis a halt, and halt all subject to observe Pungakan Ki Gendis, at the time of the day, he went compete chickens to another village, ride horses furry brown old (horse gendis), quite a lot of soldiers accompanying him, diapit right-left, and their behind, equipped with umbrellas greatness, along with the swan-shaped jug of water, with beautiful puwan berperada, such as natural lakunya first , he straight trip to the north, follow the road, I Gusti accidental play, accompanied by the two abdinya, search of yam tubers in the moor in the western part of the road, and the keris Dalem not brought lepas, used tear yam, arrived have sounded out of the sky in sabda heard by Ki Gusti Panji, while the word, "Barak Panji Ai, do not you doubt to the grandfather, inappropriate conduct search for sweet potato, do not you doubt me, because there is a major in yourself , when you become a leader here, loved by the talented people in the world, and see keutamaanmu now, wait a moment, as there are enemies, called Ki Pungakan Gendis, who Gendis power in the Village, you must kill, not to hesitate in heart, I just tudingkan to the directions, I am going to the death, so the word is heard, heard by Ki Gusti Panji, along with two abdinya, dihentikanlah keris was made toy, and then next disarungkan.
Ki told Pungakan Gendis, after his trip rate, through the road, seen by his Ki Gusti Panji, timbullah anger in his heart, a result of the influence of the strength of the keris, because the objective has not been achieved, through the already kepergiannya Ki Pungakan Gendis, and be expected when his return from cockfighting chicken.
Bubarnya told after the people of cockfighting chicken, Ki Pungakan Gendis then went home, seen by Ki Gusti Panji, Ki Pungakan Gendis has almost arrived in the penantiannya, and Ki Gusti Panji immediately, rising to seek refuge in trees leca, which grows on the fringe of the road, while the keris Dalem draw, and then come Pungakan Ki Gendis, already near a tree that leca, and toward the keris diacungkan by Ki Gusti Panji, and Ki Pungakan Gendis died, still in a state of horseback riding, but will not be known by followers, only to run and sit here and there.
After that came Pungakan Ki Gendis, in front of her house, after a stop kudanya be tamed by followers, Ki Pungakan Gendis also not go down, like a painting firm, rigid body like corpses, mendelik glassy eyes, was a new note, if Ki Pungakan Gendis, already died, but no one knows for his death.
There are children Pungakan Ki Gendis, women alone, I called Dewa Ayu Juruh, barn may be the adult, is very beautiful without celanya, make people fall in love, while adiknya the men are still a child, which is expected to replace his father's position, because he will not seek resourceful effort, and mandated the Bendesa Ki Gendis, ruled the village Gendis
Either how long, suddenly have the boat from outside the area, located in the coastal Panimbangan, very hard-hearted Ki mpu Awwang, and then ask for assistance to Bendesa Ki Gendis, to pull the boat, and make arrangements, if the goal is successful, all the boat gift , because the boat was loaded with cargo multiformity all the beautiful-beautiful, such as clothing, cups, plates, dish, and various ingredients, causing a desire Bendesa Ki Gendis, and he was prepared to help him, and they continue to prescribe menabuh kentongan, bring followers of all, bring rope, bamboo, along with equipment to equipment, after all has come, soon to go to sea together, help each other all sesampainya full effort to help each issue idea / ideas, but does not work, a little boat that was not move, they all feel ashamed and angry, all eventually returned to her house each.
After that hearing ago by I Gusti Panji, if such circumstances, the next he went to place the boat was stranded, he does not forget to bring the keris Dalem that, and accompanied by its Dumpyung Ki Ki Dosot, after he arrived in the coastal beach, dijumpainya Ki Dampu Awwang, are crying lament-wail, and said berkaul, who is capable of helping perahunya, that success go to sea, all the boats this gift, due to be heard by such Ki Gusti Panji, and he is willing to pull the boat that, while keris dihunusnya that, after the diacungkan keris, terdengarlah sabda, do not worry, the word is heard by Ki Gusti Panji, along with two abdinya, and believe in his heart, berhasillah boat is encouraged, by the keris dihempaskan that, like the power given him by Hyang Widhi, successfully moving the boat, to the sea, no measurable flight to the ocean, the next boat back to the sidewalk, ditambatkan in the water, Ki mpu Awwang will not forget his promise, the entire contents of the boat, has been awarded Overall Ki Gusti Panji, after, the boat was back home to Java, not measurable happy heart Ki mpu Awwang. Start time that Ki Gusti Panji filled by wealth, and thence also the keris Dalem keutamaannya appear that, given the nickname Ki Semang.
After over twenty years the age of Ki Gusti Panji, the more famous in keutamaannya according Gendis and manners, his sweet words, make the hearts of all people happy, make the hearts of the villagers are interested Gendis, then all respect and abide kehadapan Ki Gusti Panji, extraordinary baktinya menghamba, elders (walaba) and its people equally defend, does not feel hot and cold, to menghamba Ki Gusti Panji, next dinobatkan titled Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, more people Gendis village, with its magnificent Parahyangan in the western part of the village Gendis, moved Panji to the village, by Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, in accordance with the agreement of the people all of the village, many more places to stay, berbondong carry-house crowd, and the shrine of Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, is done is done by people of all, after the position of Ki Gusti Ngurah pennon robust, thanks to better support all of the villages, he kawinlah with Ki Juruh Dewa Ayu, in the unanimous he married his wife, because they love the same.
Perhaps after he's rich, he finally make the keris from the gold, shaped Ratmaja filled with jewel encrusted Zamrud Mirah Adi (Lembu water). given a uniform eight very interesting life seems like, given the name Ki crew, because life itself possess the keris in the head. There is no rival, was in accordance with the beauty of carved ivory sheath, white is not vicious, given the slip of tissue, like adding keutamaannya keris Semang Ki.
Somewhen how ever, was successful in the world, kewibawaannya Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, Panji as the village authorities, and non-terkirakan berbondong crowd arrival of people from Lor Adri, then stay in the village of Panji, to serve before Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, immediate full crowded, orderly, beautiful sight of the village, because of added by the descendants of Ler Adri, equally devout menghamba kehadapan Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji.
Somehow the years, does not deviate gift Ki Panji Landung, and subject the people of east river We Nirmala, until the end of the village of Toya Anyar, from sea to the coastal mountains, such as Kyai Alit tune, from Kubwan Dalem, same subject serve, that does not have an evil in his heart, after all agree, and Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, developing regions, the next move the center of his kingdom, from Sangket Sukasada, Sukasada called because it is a position where, as always rise to the fun with all of the king and the servant of his people .
Some old and then, the village in the west Kulwan We become less serene, amazed and subject, all the authorities, along with people, all subject to sub serve Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, have called on the Kyayi Sasangkadri beristana of sugar cane, great-grandfather's Kyayi Chile hose, not want to comply, that is why Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, went to attack, accompanied by many soldiers crowded war, the same great brave in battle, he lost the next Kyayi Sasangkadri, the subject himself, then he menghamba, promised all the grandchildren and their children , as big as his offspring so that no one dare oppose forever ongoing, pleasure heart Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, Kyayi Sasangkadri ago, placed as the elders of sugar cane, for such eminence Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, very brave in the battlefield, be by the people, as a regional leader Den Hill, the leading keris Ki Semang blessing, along with tombaknya Ki Pangkajatatwa, that is why people settled in the area of Mount Ler, thenceforth be named Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti by the people, because kesaktiannya extraordinary, after Ler lead in the Mount, as a leader Sukasada lived in the palace, the first people there always have fun, enjoy the excitement his heart, the leaders, to the crowded hall rung, according to the whim lakunya good, no one dare to oppose the king he
He told the king to create a set of gamelan kingdom, with full equipment, terompong in front and behind, the name given Juruh Satukad, because his voice is very sweet, like a flood flow of honey, for example to meet the river.
Gongnya two, given the name of the Kadaton, for a split at the palace ditabuh (ginuwal) voices murmur. And again called Ki Ora Gagak the sounds, like the sound beribu crow-thousand. And petuk kajarnya, called Ki Tundung famous enemy imposing name Glagah Katunuwan, sound like the dry reed trees burned, exceptional sound like human ears slit, and more small gong, very thundering voice, like thunder scattered instance, that is why the name given the Dark Kasangka, for a change vote tatit at Kasanga months (March / April) perumpamaannya, such information gamelan kingdom Anglurah Sri Panji Sakti, and that is why the enemy insurgent was afraid, do not dare kesaktian see him, not be told more.
Told there is a Brahmin, kesaktiannya very great, he has reached the level astaiswarya, mpu Nirartha his name, the child Dang Hyang Asmaranatha, mpu Nirartha He went to Bali, after he arrived in Bali, he lived in the area Kemenuh Bala Batuh, have children, he beribu brahmani from Yawadwipa, the oldest woman he disappeared to the supernatural, live in a throw mpu Laki god as there until now, a man named Pedanda Kemenuh, many other maternal relatives, brahmani from Pasuruhan, there's a beribu Blambangan knight, his brother have beribu from Bendesa Mas. There are also beribu Sudra, servant of Bendesa Ki Mas.
He Pedanda Kemenuh as the son of man's oldest, he moved to Mount Ler, Kayu Putih village, he has knowledge of highly proficient in the science weda, consummate make keris, Pasupatinya sublime knowledge, he is very popular in the community, so there is Wood made a keris White, so his virtue, and he dimintalah, by Ki Gusti Panji Sakti, given his position as bagawanta, dinobatkan kingdom of the church, and he was ordered to change Ambengan row, he is given pursuivant / servant a river west of Bok-Bok , more or less, the number of 3000, next Pedanda Sakti Ngurah he called on the community, because very affectionate and loyal heart, he (Ki Gusti Panji Sakti) to clergy teacher, made in Sukasada home, so close together where, called Griya Romarsana, after the time came, he finally called to the afterlife, are in retreat White Wood, because he will not recognize the arrival end, he is the son of a substitute, such as the position of his father, as bagawanta of the king, and people gather, Pedanda Ngurah Sakti also named by Majesty the king, he never tired to emulate his father's expertise for the fun of the king, then have a penchant to make kris, the keris is very unusual buatannya, that is why there is a keris made Banjar, kesaktian a sharp weapon, such Pedanda Sakti Ngurah is love, because he remembers leluhurnya will not have another origin brothers indeed, at the time was in the area Yawadwipa, that is why there is agreement on both of his village Romarsana, not to separate, to keep each other, like in tears, the same boat together and arms, all have one be, a heavy-heavy-all, so the behavior is like brotherhood, and imitated by the public, such covenant, all are happy, that is why Romarsana village called Sangket, for use as a binding agreement, Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti with which he respected Pedanda Sakti Ngurah, more children and grandchildren, he, in order to forge good habits leluhurnya. The eldest son of Sri Bagawan Dwijendra, Pedanda Sakti Wawu Rawuh his name, because he came to the island Bangsul / Bali.
Re-told, the son of Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, born out of I Dewa Ayu Juruh, crown position as the son, the oldest named Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, such as the name of his father, and the second named Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Made, and the youngest named Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Wala, equally deplorable situation is not handsome, he is very quiet heart king, terbetik have in mind, ready to attack the area Brambangan, regional Yawadwipa, because he will remember the gift Ki Panji Landung, at first, and he makes -more resourceful effort, all the soldiers called the daredevil, who has frequently attacked the enemy, all the soldiers as a courageous leader, twenty in number, were the descendants of intrepid, invited to play crow-gagakan, by the King of Panji Sakti, and they all take turns to be crows, by Majesty the King asked, "Gagak what you expect?" The crow then said, there is a request food, drink, girls, gold jewel, clothing, and manikam, various demand respectively, have met all requests goak that, equally happy to crow that enjoy food and drink, clothing, food and clothing, not fed-fed equally satisfy the desire, so after that, he became king crow, asked by the governor of all, "Gagak keinginanmu what?", said Si crow ago, "raven, goak, I, keinginanku subjugate Brambangan ", all the soldiers shout, because the soldiers packed the watch. Once completed, preparing to set up the soldiers that, with full preparation, and the boat has been prepared, are ready to wait ditambatkan stay in command of the King, swing-swing in the ocean to the river discharge.
At the time of the day, suggested by Sri Bagawanta, Sri Bupati he departs, with a boat, diiring by many people, while the path that the boat passed, the temple Gading rural areas Tirta Arum beach, next to the area Banger, disergap by Dalem Brambangan, ramainya extraordinary battle that, like the clay mountains, berlautan blood in the battle field, he met with the next Brambangan Dalem, which is located in the middle field fight, the next one at a grass field strength in the fight, equally brave and sincere fleet fight, either how long the war lasts, and stuck Brambangan Dalem, his chest stabbed by Sri Panji Sakti, with a keris Ki Semang, and he Dalem Brambangan fall, then exhale winded last, finally falling into power Brambangan subject, all subject to apply to remain alive.
Didengarlah by the King of Solo, the severity of Sri Panji Sakti, and he formed a friendship two, then he is given Sri Panji Sakti elephant mount, after all is finished, Sri Panji Sakti return to Bali, with the flag-bearer of booty, all kinds of main, but there will be a disakitkan in the heart, because his son is still young, named Nyoman Ngurah Panji, Danudresta another name, has been killed in the battle field in Brambangan, not long sorrow and joy, he again, as its original state, as entertained by Sri Maha Bagawanta RSI, Pedanda Ngurah Sakti. Such intensity he heard Sri Panji Sakti
Told Sri Panji Sakti, a way to build the city (pura), Balalak in pategalan area, where the planting Buleleng, have found there, the mother leleng, many people who live there, where the terrain is, in the northern region Sukasada, after a large city where many people berbondong-group moved to go there, eventually, full of places to stay home, then given the name of Buleleng, and the palace residence of the king, the name given Singaraja, because clearly the courage of a lion king, and He is like the elephant elephant Nirwana, pens made in the north of the city, that is why the village is called plot, and the elephant herd, are from three people, the king of Solo, two people held in the northern swath, the next village called Java , and the one again, at close to the coastal Lingga Toya Mala, the origin of Prabulingga Yawadwipa, between the village and village plot (Village), and named the village Paguyangan, because the elephant he roll-gulingan digembalakan there, so first story .
After a long run, the Javanese village in Java, the offspring, and then divided up command of the King, placed in the forest Pagatepan, next Pagayaman also be given a name, as a guard in the mountain fortress.
How long either, back Sri Panji Sakti, go attack Jaranbana, because of furor Ki Semang keris, eventually destroyed the Jaranbana, can ditaklukan by Sri Panji Sakti.
Incalculable how long later, Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, heard the news, there is a very beautiful daughter named Ki Gusti Ayu Rai, brother of Ki Gusti Ngurah Made Agung, who Mengwi in power, he now wanted to melamarnya, will be used as a wife, utusan had run, and he declined dowry, he finally main Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, timbullah kemarahannya, want to destroy the Mengwi, kewibawaannya made because of pride, after the region capable Banger, then send his envoy, challenging area for combat Mengwi . He wants to complain, his soldiers are in the form of crow, raven, the soldiers with Mengwi, named for the famous youthful Tanjung Batan, along with youthful Munggu, disanggupi by authorities Mengwi, equally encouraging his soldiers for combat, many of hostilities, mutual rampage , co-tikam, jab, equally intrepid, he was seen by both, disuruhnya ago to end a war that, because he wants Ki Gusti Ngurah Made Agung, the courage to try and severity of the Ler Mountain, now he knew right keberaniannya-right in, giving adiknya sincere heart, the Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, not negotiations, he told two, after the same agreement, the king as the authoritative, singasana of the above, further Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti with Ki Gusti Ayu Rai dinikahkan, after such circumstances, he returned authorities Den Mountain, accompanied his wife Ki Gusti Ayu Rai, as logrolling love him to the king Mengwi, submitted Brambangan area, along with Jaranbana, by the ruler of Mount Ler.
After he settled in Buleleng district, does not have a brave fight against or desires, so Ki Ngurah Panji Sakti think you want to face with the reason for the combat, the Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, go to the mountain Batukaru, regional powers Bandana, accompanied many prajuritnya, equipped with weapons, he setiba there, he immediately damage Parahyangan Court Batukaru, all the holy dirusaknya, moved from the place, suddenly there are bees in tens amount, each the size of the handful, is not known from which the first home, like the will gods, he attacked the flow of Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, a disaster of Dewata pikirnya, not restrained by his Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, then he fled along with the prajuritnya, does not see to the back, because he already felt in the heart, that the curse Dewata on himself.
The long run, back Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, challenging the war, came to the region Badeng, along with soldiers and equipment, with a large elephant menunggangi, he setiba in the area of the northern sanctuary (temple Satria) Badeng, dihadang by many soldiers from the area Badeng, perangpun happens, tikam-cutting, but also finally make peace with the local authorities Badeng, areas where further action is called Taensiat, until now, because by the beginning of a war between soldiers Den Bukit, Badeng against soldiers. Next Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, taking his wife from the Banjar Ambengan Wesya of Badung
Some old and then, have heard the news, by Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, that the seed of Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, in the region by Dalem Jarantik dikecewakan Bali, Gelgel in the region, because the error does not give keris pusakanya, desired by Dalem, he is the cause in a sad heart, he wanted to leave the area Jarantik, tried to save themselves, because thought surely die, if not from the area Jarantik go, go away, pushed up kejengkelannya Ki Gusti Ngurah Agung, so spiteful to before Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, by because of such circumstances, he Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti immediately, go to the region Jarantik, obtained those who are in a palace in the heart is very sad, especially Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, menceriterakan kesusahannya, after power efforts, together they eventually went out of area Jarantik, finding a place to go to rural areas Tojan Bala Batuh, up command Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, then he delivers, and in the rest area north of Gianyar Beng village, there are crops there in the form of peanut, eaten by elephants mount his Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, so there is a region called Peanut Bedol, until now, because he ate elephant mount nuts on there, do not travel, he told the evacuate, and arrived in the area Tojan, met by Ki Bendesa Wayan Karang, of the Tojan area, next to his palace, he tunggangan Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, digembalakan in the area of the northwest region Tojan, therefore the area called Angon Liman, Liman name up until now, and at the timurnya have bush, where he Panji Sakti hunt, called Buruwan until now.
Either how long he Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti in Tojan, because of already powerful position Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, unbelievable happiness in both of his family relationship, warned the same agreement, so that love does not fade and the persistence of love kekeluargaannya ties, and seed, seed for a position and then, after each agreed that pledge, Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, kebesarannya shows, and award Ki Pangkajatatwa spear, to the grandchildren Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, as the official gift to posterity, as the aim to sign in and then days, after he finished giving sermon to the children about the teachings Kamahayanikan grandchildren, and led the ceremony, and he returned home to Mount Den, the story.
How long either, because His will is, there Gelgel disintegration in the region, when the Sri Dalem Dewa Agung Jambe still small, because by nature greedy and durhakanya Kyayi Agung Maruti, hope-hope that will replace the king Gelgel, and already many of the ministers and the people a happy menghamba him (Kyayi Agung Maruti), by the cunning Kyayi Agung, embracing all people, accelerate very sweet and gentle, but also many of the Arya bujangga noble, does not like behavior Kyayi Court, the people thought to be different , co-leaders who seek their own groove, so it's going Gelgel commotion in the region, Sri Dalem Chile, was by the menterinya, brought to Singharsa hiding, he supported more by Ngurah Singarsa, thanks to baktinya sir.
Not long after, there were trials of the majestic punggawa, which still remain faithful to Dalem, as a leader he Ngurah Singharsa, after giving the letters to all foreign, to the Mount and to Ler Badung district, and all agree with one goal Ngurah Singharsa, would destroy Kyayi Agung Maruti, after the agreement equally depart from their respective regions, such as Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti already departing, complete with all kinds of weapons, infinite many, the road to meet with riuhnya, bermarkas in the village of Toya Panasan west Jinah , by the very people in distress there, by the weapons of Ler Mountain, so called Village Panasan until now, and met with soldiers from Kyayi Court Gelgel, as senapati Ki Dukut Kerta, faced by Ki Tamlang, governor he Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti , extraordinary battle that many, sergap each other, and then lose the defense Ki Kerta, tertikam chest, cut his head, died Ki Padang Kerta, by Ki Tamlang, disorderly soldiers turvy Ki Gusti Agung Maruti to be disbanded, can not afford to survive, so Ki Gusti Agung affected, joining running, fled from the battle, saying be pursued by soldiers from the Mountain Ler, such as Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, with a show of keris made of steel, bergagang wood pelet shaped babodolan, which already dihunus of sarungnya, how far Ki Gusti Agung Maruti fled, also continue to be pursued, and the right dibanjiri left by soldiers from Ler Adri, so he was beaten like a dog, because there is no road, so he turned back with prajuritnya, desires as well as for the battle completely, find a way Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti that ditujunya, he Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti ruler of Ler Adri very carefully, desires to compete in the battle, when will be doing, and then handles the keris is broken into two, the rod-shaped babodolan keris, damaged pukuh kerisnya, so Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti surprised stopped, then replace the weapon, take the keris Ki Semang inheritance, then Ki Gusti Agung Maruti can pull together the opportunity prajuritnya, haripun the night, it can not be pursued by Ki Gusti Panji Sakti, next to the Gelgel, there he express affirmation, all his descendants to the future, may not take the weapon of a head / babodolan shape, because not very useful, so the story.
Somewhen how ever, the government of Sri Panji Sakti, he remained in the palace Sukasada, lowering his son and many grandchildren, who have not dare to oppose the king of his command, all silent and loyal subject, each making activities, and who knows how long, after arrived one's fate, he finally Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji moksah, the natural Nirwana, family leave, leave many women, the son of man, each name, the oldest Ki Gusti Gede Ngurah Panji, who has replaced Den Hill became king, he lived in the palace Sukasada, adiknya named Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Made, born of a mother I Dewa Ayu Juruh.
I Gusti Alit Oka, I Gusti Made Padang, one of the birth mother who came from Wesya Banjar Ambengan Badung. She I Gusti Made Padang, taking a wife I Gusti Luh Abyan Diseases, children Ki Gusti Sakti, the king of Tabanan.
Ki Gusti Wayan Padang, Ki Gusti Made Banjar, a mother came from the village of Panji. And again I Gusti Ayu Panji, beribu Ki Gusti Ayu Rai, daughter of the king Mangwi, used by the wife of Ki Gusti Anom Ship Mangwi.
I Gusti Ngurah Panji Cede, have a daughter, named I Gusti Ayu Jelantik sauce, I Gusti Ngurah Panji Made, berputra I Gusti Ngurah Panji Bali, I Gusti Ayu hitched Jelantik sauce, I Gusti Panji Tahimuk, I Gusti Made Munggu, I Gusti Nyoman Panji, I Gusti Oka least.
I Gusti Alit Oka, have a daughter, named I Gusti Ayu Nambangan Mas, his other name I Gusti Ayu Den Hill, used by his wife Dalem Agung Dewa Made, who has delivered Dewa Agung Panji and their descendants.
I Gusti Made Padang berputra Ki Gusti Gede Jelantik, he moved to Jineng Dalem. I Gusti Wayan Padang, berputra Ki Gusti Lanang Jelantik, I Gusti Panji Dalugdag. I Gusti Made Banjar, berputra three men, all involved conduct Ki Gusti Ayu Nambangan Den Bukit Mas, to Klungkung. I Gusti Ayu Panji, wedded to the region Mangwi ship.
After each go to the afterlife, such as Ki Gusti Gede Ngurah Panji, along with Ki Gusti Made Ngurah Panji, and replaced by Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Bali, became the king in the Den Hill, the next he beristana in Sukasada, but the palace in Singaraja kept as a place to have fun, because it is made by leluhurnya, that is not lost and destroyed, remain powerful for his government, which does not have the perfidious act.
It's her son Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Bali, the two men different mother, the oldest named Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, he as the king's palace in Sukasada. Adiknya, named Ki Gusti Ngurah Jelantik, he became the king in Singaraja, because it is divided by regions Lor Adri by two brothers, the co-born empress of.
Meanwhile, I Gusti Made Munggu, Wayan berputra Ki Gusti Panji. Ki Gusti Wayan Gulyang, co-located in Singaraja, I Gusti Made Ksatra, I Gusti Made Ino, and I Gusti Ketut intaran Friend, who went to Patemon, and again I Gusti Nyoman Patandakan, who went to Bon Tihing. I Gusti Nyoman Panji, berputra I Gusti Wayan Ksatra; I Gusti Made Ino, and I Gusti Ketut intaran Friend, in the same Sukasada. I Gusti Oka, he does not berputra. The Ki Gusti Gede Jelantik, he had two daughters, named I Gusti Ayu RAKA the oldest, used by his wife in power in Sukasada, and the second, I Gusti Ayu Rai, his wife by his use of power in Singaraja. The three people that follow the I Gusti Ayu Mas Nambangan, in Klungkung, pindahnya from Banyuning, they settle to live in Banjar Klungkung Bee, they decrease the many descendants there, subject to the faithful that he diikutinya. Ki Gusti Lanang Jelantik, berputra Ki Gusti Alit Ksatra. Ki Gusti Panji Dalugdag, berputra Ki Gusti Panji Celuk Good, along with his brother in Banyuning. So he went looking for a place to stay, because people equally staunch menghamba.
The long run, as a man who does not escape from the hardship and disease, unexpected fate of the earth, there were disputes in the family, in power in Sukasada, with the power in Singaraja, the longer the conflicts they are hard, no one dare to allow it , for the very same trust scandal, so that power in Singaraja, requesting assistance to Ki Gusti Ngurah Ketut Karangasern, in Amlapura King, as a schemer I Gusti Nengah Sibetan Wiweka, as the village authorities, what is said, in Singaraja Raja Ki Gusti Ngurah Jelantik, make arrangements beforehand rewards, if the goal has been reached, subject to the sister, who Sukasada in power, will be willing to share tax earth Den Mountain, co-lead the earth Buleleng, as the only leader Ki Gusti Ngurah Jelantik, as a symbol quoad Sri Amlapura as Regent of the young king (iwaraja), as leader of government strategy and tactics (makocering niti), the covenant is approved by the lead he Karangamla, immediately put the soldiers with weapons, complete with all the equipment, all Karangasern troops, ready to Den go to the Mount, the city Singaraja
Not long after, heard by brother, if adiknya ask for help from Karangasern, have all prajuritnya up there, to the extraordinary adiknya angry, so that all are called prajuritnya collected, along with weapons that insistently tan-ceasing, with a prelude attack Singaraja town, the soldiers spread vociferous attack, it is known by authorities, he Singaraja, so that together bersiaga, and there were a war, between the two palaces, a theater, after the two sides together to do battle, each berguguran. push push, tikam-cutting, another spear, while the head as I Gusti Ngurah Jelantik, so the soldiers Sukasada be a push, because most of the enemy, with dibanjiri courage, suddenly equally disperse and flee back, have felt in the hearts , will be the death almost arrived, that is why Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji become angry, through to mid-field fight, to bring to the front of the keris heirdom Ki Semang, with very terrible rage, a lot of enemies who killed him, because most opponents, the same does not want the reverse, the two sides finally Karangasern and gather Singaraja, the coop, so Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji dikerubut can, seize kerisnya grown, so that it can be taken by musuhnya, senjatanya loose end after he was stabbed, he memancur blood, so gugurlah beristana in which he Sukasada, subject to all of his soldiers seeking refuge, eventually all soldiers Ler Mount menghamba to gather Ki Gusti Ngurah Jelantik, as a regional leader Den Bukit, beristana in Singaraja, as the young king that he titled I Gusti Nyoman Karangasern, descendants of Arya Patandakan , co-beristana in Singaraja, who moved from Karangasern, for his command of Ki Gusti Ngurah Ketut Karangasern.
The long run, one's fate after arriving, he was I Gusti Ngurah Jelantik died, but because the power liciknya king Amlapura his efforts, eventually spread also known by the people, seemed good at grasping and greedy friends, relying on the strength of arms and people, and the train of war and supplies, the content of negotiations behind the first, I Gusti Nyoman Karangasern dinobatkan Singaraja become king.
As for his children I Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, the oldest named Ki Gusti Good Jelantik Banjar, as domiciled in the governor's palace Bangkang, We in the western part of the Mala.
Not long after, Ki Gusti Nyoman Karangasern, ruled as king of Den Hill, died because he attacked by the disease, and then replaced by Ki Gusti Agung Made Karangasern Sori, Karangasern descent, more or less for three years he was in power, he came down from the throne, because he did not expressly rule of the people, so he chose the face, not fair to the people.
While he is replacing, titled Ki Gusti Ngurah Agung, also from the beginning Karangasern, since the old rogue in Jembrana, so that he died in Pangambengan Jambrana, attacked by soldiers with weapons, because people Jambrana does not agree to his menghamba.
Re-told, Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, Sukasada the king, who died in the battle field before, so there is a westerner named village, until now, is a former two brothers battle, who died in battle, leaving the son, named Ki Gusti Ketut Panji, the defeated in battle and are still alive, next beristana in Sukasada.
The winners in the battle, has a son named Ki Gusti Jlantik Good Banjar, as he was domiciled in the governor's palace Bangkang, they were killed because of landslides, the Isaka 1737 (1815 M), for the mud flow from the mountain, go to the region and Sukasada Bangkang, many people who died was buried by mud.
It's his brother Ki Gusti Good Jlantik Banjar, named Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik, not death by a flood of mud, because he has moved to Kubutambahan, and adiknya called Ki Gusti Made Jlantik, evacuate villages Pereyan Tabanan, he died there, while the youngest named Ki Gusti Ketut Panji, he still remained in Singaraja.
The son of Ki Gusti Wayan Ksatra, named Ki Gusti Panji Wayan, Ki Gusti Wayan Panebel, and Ki Gusti Nyoman Panarungan, each still in Sukasada, all died down in the mud in Isaka 1737 (1815 F).
The Ki Gusti Ayu Den Bukit, which is taken as a wife by his Dalem Smarapura, berputra Dewa Agung Panji, he is down Cokorda Agung Mangwi, along with Agung Dewa Putu Getakan in the region, and Cokorda Mayun Giri, in the area Nyalian.
The relative his brother, he Ki Gusti Ayu Den Mountain, which he followed in Klungkung first, that most older people who are down on Mount Rata, adiknya berputra down those who are in the Gianyar Sampyang, while most small berputra in the area Bees Klungkung.
Re-told, Ki Gusti Ketut Panji, berputra Ki Gusti Gede Panji, Ki Gusti Made Clagi, and Ki Gusti Nyoman Pinatih, equally in the Sukasada. Ki Gusti Jlantik Good Banjar, berputra Ki Gusti Good Suwi, and Ki Gusti Made akeh, equally in the Bangkang.
The Ki Gusti Made Panji Muna, Ki Gusti berputra Good Jlantik Kalyanget. Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik, berputra Ki Gusti Wayan Ksatra, is in the Kubutambahan, adiknya Ki Gusti Made Jlantik, is in the Panarukan.
The Ki Gusti Made Jlantik, who died in Pereyan, berputra Ki Gusti Wayan Jlantik, is in the Sasak. Meanwhile, Ki Gusti Ketut Panji in Singaraja., Co-located in Singaraja.
It's his brother went to Patemon, and to Bon Tihing, and to Depaha. The Ki Gusti Panji Wayan, Ki Gusti Wayan Panebel, and Ki Gusti Nyoman Panarungan, down the same family, next of Sukasada moved to Singaraja.
Gede told Ki Gusti Panji, berputra Ki Gusti Putu Panji, Ki Gusti Made Kari, and Ki Gusti Ketut Panji, equally in the Sukasada. Ki Gusti Made Celagi his son down a lot. Ki Gusti Nyoman Pinatih, have a daughter named I Gusti Ayu Rai, brother and man-lakinya. Ki Gusti Good Suwi, in Bangkang, have a daughter Ki Gusti Ayu Made Ayu, along with a brother. Ki Gusti Made akeh, in Bangkang, berputra I Gusti Nyoman Panji, I Gusti Ketut Jlantik Sangket, along with his brother in Bangkang. Ki Gusti Good Jlantik Kalyanget, moved from Tukad Mungga, he was the son of Ki Gusti Jlantik Good Batupulu, adiknya Ki Gusti Made Batan, in the same Tukad Mungga. The Ki Gusti Wayan Ksatra in Kubutambahan, I Gusti Putu berputra Kari, Ki Gusti Putu Kebon other names, have adiknya a woman named Ki Gusti Ayu Made Batan.
The Ki Gusti Made Jlantik, in Panarukan, berputra Ki Gusti Putu Ayu Puji, Ki Gusti Ayu Jlantik, Ki Gusti Ayu Rai, and Ki Gusti Putu Ayu intaran Rudi. Then I Gusti Wayan Jlantik located in Sasak, berputra Ki Gusti Made Jlantik Jwala, and Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik Jwali. The Ki Gusti Good Ksatra, in Singaraja, berputra Good Ki Gusti Rai, and his brother, not be told more.
Back told. after he Ki Gusti Ngurah who died in Pangambengan, he replaced, by a named Ki Gusti Agung Pahang, Isaka at 1751 (1829 M), he moved Singaraja palace, to the west of the road, either the duration of a king, because it has been pushed by His will, eventually quit his savage nature, is not alleged to have kewibawaannya rival, behave obscene, in violation of ethics, so that already exist, gamya-gamana, and berselingkuh with his sister, it is known by the menterinya, and all the people, will Overall but keeps in mind, that no one dares to open the mouth, will be master of crime, but all that has been obvious all know, but ostensibly not know, so he Ki Gusti Ngurah Pahang was a-was, impossible not think people will resist all his power, but a vicious intention of the people, to the follow-tanduknya, not worth die, dibunuhnya also always bat, not a few people hurt, suspicious because of the self perilakunya on the obscene. Approximately three years he became king, have called the arya Ki Gusti Good Ksatra from Singaraja, his brother Ki Gusti Made Singaraja, the child he Ki Gusti Ketut Panji, he Ki Gusti Good Ksatra, is killed by Ki Gusti Agung Pahang, for provide food to his fish shrimp, presumed by his king, will be a stop for a king Den Hill, who is also named Wayan Rumyani, Pan Apus other name, it is the people who held a perbekel, dibunuhnya also participate, because the king appears as a madman , will clearly disangkanya harm.
Next corpse Ki Gusti Good Ksatra, ditambatkan in the field, left-right ears were given red hibiscus flowers, mayatnya a spectacle of the people, and adiknya Ki Gusti Made Singaraja, to the king, seeking mercy, seeking corpse brother, was not allowed by his king, after the evening, the relative mayatnya handed to his brother.
Because of such circumstances, extraordinary angry Ki Gusti Made Singaraja, along with his family all relative, all descendants of intrepid Sri Panji Sakti, and with the negotiations, after the decision, forcing through the palace entrance.
At the time of the day, he is the king <> Pahang a crowd at the palace, a leather puppet show, now named as Dalangnya Ki Gulyang, from the village of Banjar, it is an opportunity for all arya, took aim at the palace rage, with the weapons are ready, just waiting he sang out the king, watching, until midnight, also Ki Gusti Agung Pahang has not come out, watch the puppet, while puppeteer Ki Gulyang are war puppet play, finally exhausted all the arya wait, they eventually spread stir, a rage of those who watch the puppet , there is a thrust to the mastermind who is playing puppet, layarnyapun tear, while the puppeteer is being held at that time Bima puppets, and puppet Tuwalen, and to bring Capala, because kagetnya, and he jumps flee seek protection, bringing the puppet Bima and Tuwalen, with capalanya.
Not be told that the number of dead and injured people in the watch, perplexed turvy, looking for protection, so that the hurly-burly wigwag, both in the palace, greeted with the sound kentongan bertalu-talu, riuhnya extraordinary people, seisi palace, the same -out with the same weapon, same wait on the road, because no one dares to enter the palace, by the very dark.
Told Ketut have called Coral, as head of the palace guard, he lived in Panataran, he spoke, reminding Ki Gusti Made Singaraja, and their followers, told to go home, because he is the king went evacuate to leave the palace, will not be successful if direct entry to in the palace, the aim may be to meet the danger, so cegahan Ketut Coral, and their attack back home all, the house of each.
The next day, Ki Gusti Agung Pahang, presented in the trial, faced by all the foreign, but the Den Bukit arya not participate, making a trial, about the rebellion arya Buleleng, a rebel rampage in the palace, the king after the agreement is completed, after it was agreed by the arya Karangasern offspring, that will kill all the arya Buleleng, men women, old young, that does not have left, for the great sin against the king, after such circumstances, do not wait a day, were the sudden passing prajuritnya complete with weapons, is to destroy the arya in the Ler Adri, the slow action of the arya quickly shrug off the less, that were destroyed along with their children (arare chili), because of the very great bersenjatanya implement the right of the king, that is why berpuluh even hundreds of them that can be stabbed with a kris and spears, all resulting in death, like the montane berlautan corpses and blood reality, so be told.
In fact, for His will not be able to create the seed of greatness he Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, although some of the many soldiers he, memporak-porandakan the arya Den Bukit, but encouraged by the strength of the sacred that he has mendahuluinya (died), they may not out destroyed, have also left, the lower the seed of success until now, protected by the gods like persembunyiannya, so that apart from death, who is still alive, so the question about, among them, Ki Gusti Made Kari, Ki Gusti Ketut Panji , equally in Sukasada, he is equally moving to the Village Ship Mangwi, he is the offspring of the Sukasada down until now. The Ki Gusti Nyoman Panji, along with his brother Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik Sangket, same sneak away in the forests of the village of Panji, he is down in the palace arya Bangkang until now.
The Good Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik Batupulu, and adiknya Ki Gusti Made Batan, equally evacuate the village Soka Tabanan, he is a relative decrease of the arya Tukad Mungga, until now.
Next Ki Gusti Putu Kebon, Ki Gusti Putu Kari his name, went to the village Pakisan, and succeeded in lowering the palace Kubutambahan. The Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik Jwali, down the descent in Coral Buleleng Sasak until now.
In short, what the share is still alive, because the people fed by each, which is a tribute menghamba, tried to save themselves.
Re-told, will not deviate His decree, during the act of living is driven by first deeds, the Ki Gusti Ngurah Pahang, growing murkanya savage, like the evil of him, the more immediately known by all the people, deeds gamya-gamana with younger brother, the heat during the rainy season, harvest is not successful, the needs of day-to-day rarely, a country split, so that people become noisy, quarrel, fight with relatives, not co-checked by the foreign as well as all the people, then Ki Gusti Agung Pahang its armed people, finally fled to the region Karangasern, he Arriving there, he was eventually killed by the people Karangasern.
He was replaced by a named Ki Gusti Ngurah Made, which replaces the royalty Buleleng, he also Karangasern descent, he is assisted by a named Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik Gingsir, position as governor, given the mandate ruled country Buleleng, Ki Gusti courage he Patih to which the famous -mana sampai ke pelosok Pulau Bali, sebab beliau mengalahkan desa-desa yang ada di wilayah pegunungan Bangli, seperti Payangan, sangat luar biasa pujian rakyat, akan keberanian beliau menggempur musuhnya yang sakti.
Entah berapa tahun lamanya, tiba-tiba ada perbedaan pendapat Ki Gusti Patih Ketut Jlantik, berselisih dengan pemerintahan Belanda, menyebabkan terjadinya permusuhan, perangpun terjadi sangat hebat, antara Belanda dengan rakyat Bali, lamanya perang hingga tiga tahun, akhirnya rakyat Den Bukit mengalami kekalahan, oleh pemerintahan Belanda, pada Isaka 1768 ( 1846 M), adapun raja Ngurah Made, serta Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik, disertai prajuritnya, lari pergi menuju wilayah Karangasern.
Setelah demikian, tidak ada lagi keturunan raja Karangasern yang memerintah di Buleleng, dan pemerintahan Belanda yang berhasil menang di Buleleng, untuk menjalankan pemerintahan, kembali mengangkat raja, memilih raja keturunan Den Bukit seperti dulu kala, setelah pembicaraan selesai, disetujui oleh para manca dan punggawa semua, diusahakan mencari yang benar-benar keturunan para arya, keturunan Sri Panji Sakti dahulu, yang memerintah di Den Gunung, sebab dipilih oleh semua orang yang menginginkan, sehingga dinobatkan bergelar Ki Gusti Made Rai di Sukasada, menjadi penguasa Den Bukit, beliau adalah putra dari Ki Gusti Made Kari, yang pergi ke daerah Kapal Mangwi, pada saat diserang oleh Ki Gusti Agung Pahang dahulu.
Ada saudara tertua beliau Ki Gusti Made Rai seorang wanita, bernama Ki Gusti Ayu Pakisan, adiknya bernama Ki Gusti Ayu Rai, yang laki bernama Ki Gusti Made Panji, serta Ki Gusti Nyoman Panarungan.
Adapun adik beliau Ki Gusti Made Kari, yang bernama Ki Gusti Ketut Panji, beliau berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Griya, Ki Gusti Agung, serta Ki Gusti Ayu Bulan, sama-sama berada di Sukasada.
Adapun Ki Gusti Nyoman Panji, yang pergi menuju desa Alas Panji, berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Sekar, Ki Gusti Made Banjar, Ki Gusti Nyoman Banjar, serta Ki Gusti Ketut Tangkeban.
Adapun adik beliau Ki Gusti Nyoman Panji, yang bernama Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik Sangket berputra Ki Gusti Wayan Jlantik, Ki Gusti Nyoman Oka, Ki Gusti Ketut Rai serta yang lain ibu dengan Ki Gusti Ayu Kompyang Panji, Ki Gusti Ayu Nyoman Rai, Ki Gusti Ketut Ksatra, Ki Gusti Ketut Banjar, serta Ki Gusti Ayu Kaler, sama-sama kembali ke Bangkang.
Adapun Ki Gusti Bagus Jlantik Batupulu, yang pergi ke desa pegunungan di daerah Soka Tabanan, berputra Ki Gusti Putu Panji, Ki Gusti Ayu Mas, Ki Gusti Ketut Ksatra, serta Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik, semua kembali ke wilayah Desa Tukad Mungga.
Juga adik beliau yang bernama Ki Gusti Made Batan, berputra Ki Gusti Putu Batan, Ki Gusti Ayu Made Taman, Ki Gusti Nyoman Jlantik, Ki Gusti Ketut Kaler, Ki Gusti Ayu Rai, Ki Gusti Ayu Panji, Ki Gusti Bagus Jlantik, Ki Gusti Made Karang, Ki Gusti Ketut Banjar, serta Ki Gusti Ayu Nyoman Soka nama beliau, sebab lahir di desa Soka, pada saat mengungsi dahulu, itu Semuanya lalu bertempat tinggal di Tukad Mungga. Selanjutnya membangun tempat pemujaan di rumahnya di Tukad Mungga, meniru yang ada di istana Bangkang.
Adapun Ki Gusti Putu Kari, Putu Kebon nama lain beliau, yang pergi ke Desa Pakisan, beliau berputra Ki Gusti Bagus Panji Cuwag, Ki Gusti Ketut Kaler, Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik, serta Ki Gusti Ayu Putu, Semuanya kembali ke Kubutambahan.
Juga beliau Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik Jwali, berputra Ki Gusti Bagus Jlantik, Ki Gusti Made Rai, serta Ki Gusti Nyoman Jlantik, sama-sama bertempat tinggal di Sasak.
Yang lainnya, ketika diserang oleh beliau Ki Gusti Agung Pahang, dahulu, oleh karena para Arya Buleleng sama-sama mencari keselamatannya masing-masing, ada para arya yang berbudi ingkar lupa akan leluhurnya, tidak mengetahui asal-usulnya, menuruti jalan hidupnya, sehingga tinggal di rumah orang yang beragama Islam di pesisir Singaraja, yang sudah jelas tidak setia pada agamanya, menjadi beragama Islam, ada keturunannya sampai sekarang, setelah bercampur dengan orang-orang yang beragama Islam.
Entah beberapa lamanya, lebih kurang tiga tahun lamanya, Ki Gusti Made Rai menjadi raja Buleleng, akhirnya beliau turun dari singgasana, oleh karena tidak menghiraukan rakyat, didorong oleh nafsu, tenggelam dalam sabungan ayam, tidak ingat akan kewajibannya sebagai raja, beberapa bulan meninggalkan istana, tinggal diam di desa Panji, diiring oleh para penjudi, sangat keras mengikuti keinginan berjudi.
Setelah mendapat kata sepakat oleh pemerintahan Belanda, dibantu oleh para menteri, punggawa semuanya, sehingga dipilih beliau Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik di Kubutambahan, putra beliau I Gusti Putu Kari, dinobatkan menjadi raja di Buleleng, sebab beliau memang benar-benar keturunan Sri Agung Panji Sakti, keturunan keempat dari Ki Gusti Agung Rai.
Kemudian dari hasil keputusan pemerintahan Belanda, pindah dari Kubutambahan beristana di Singaraja, bergelar Ki Gusti Nglurah Ketut Jlantik, dibantu oleh ayah beliau Ki Gusti Putu Kari, berkedudukan sebagai punggawa di Kubutambahan.
Adapun ipar baginda raja, bernama Ki Gusti Putu Batan, raja muda dengan jabatan sedahan agung kedudukan beliau, dan Ki Gusti Bagus Jlantik, patih kedudukan beliau, semula berkedudukan di Tukad Mungga, selanjutnya pindah ke Singaraja, Puri Kanginan, lain dari itu, masih berada di Tukad Mungga, sama-sama diberi kedudukan oleh baginda raja, demikian keluarga raja keturunan istana Bangkang, serta yang berada di Sukasada, menyebabkan tenang dan sempurna baginda raja, dibantu oleh sanak keluarga dan tanda mantri serta punggawa.
Entah berapa lamanya, bagaikan kehendak-Nya, sebab sudah tiga giliran waktunya pembagian takdir Yang Maha Kuasa, disertai dengan perputaran jaman, menyebabkan keadaan menjadi kacau, menyebabkan banyak yang saling fitnah, diakibatkan oleh keinginan Belanda untuk menguasai negara, dengan cara-caranya sendiri, sehingga ada saja alasannya untuk menghukum, menyalahkan Ki Gusti Ngurah Ketut Jlantik, sehingga beliau diberhentikan menjadi raja, selanjutnya beliau dijadikan orang buangan di Pulau seberang yaitu wilayah Padang Pulau Sumatra.
Setelah keadaan demikian, selanjutnya Belanda sebagai penguasa daerah Buleleng, tidak ada rajanya lagi, hanya Ki Gusti Bagus Jlantik kedudukannya sebagai patih, sebagai pemimpin orang-Bali di Buleleng.
Kembali diceritakan, tentang keturunan beliau Ki Gusti Made Rai di Sukasada, beliau banyak menurunkan keturunan, yang tertua Ki Gusti Bagus Rai, adiknya Ki Gusti Made Ksatra, Ki Gusti Nyoman Karang, Ki Gusti Ketut Tangi, Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik, Ki Gusti Bagus Dalang, Ki Gusti Ayu Ketut Rai, Ki Gusti Putu Gunung, Ki Gusti Nyoman Jlantik Ceples, Ki Gusti Ayu Jlantik, Ki Gusti Ketut Perasi, Ki Gusti Nyoman Jlantik, Ki Gusti Ketut Rai, Ki Gusti Ayu Putu, beliau dijadikan istri oleh Ki Gusti Putu Griya, di Singaraja.
Adapun Ki Gusti Made Panji, berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Turun. Adapun I Gusti Nyoman Panarungan, berputra Ki Gusti Bagus Bebed, sama-sama berkedudukan di Sukasada.
Adapun Ki Gusti Agung, pindah ke Depaha, berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Sekar, Ki Gusti Ayu Made Panji, Ki Gusti Ayu Made Rai Kebring, yang dijadikan istri oleh Ki Gusti Made Singaraja, di Singaraja, Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik, Ki Gusti Putu Canang, Ki Gusti Made Togog, Ki Gusti Ayu Nyoman Tilem, Ki Gusti Ketut Panji, serta Ki Gusti Ayu Jlantik.
Adapun yang berada di istana Bangkang, Ki Gusti Made Banjar, berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Dangin, istri beliau Ki Gusti Nyoman Gunung, di Tukad Mungga, Ki Gusti Ayu Mas, Ki Gusti Nyoman Jlantik, serta KI Gusti Made Panji.
Adapun Ki Gusti Nyoman Banjar, berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Kompyang Panji, Ki Gusti Made Selat, serta Ki Gusti Ketut Putu. Adapun Ki Gusti Ketut Tangkeban, beliau tidak mempunyai keturunan.
Adapun Ki Gusti Wayan Jlantik, berputra Ki Gusti Putu Cede, Ki Gusti Made Jlantik, Ki Gusti Ayu Nyoman Ayu, istri beliau Ki Gusti Nyoman Jlantik, Ki Gusti Ayu Kajeng, Ki Gusti Ayu Rai, istri beliau Ki Gusti Putu Intaran, di Bangkang, Ki Gusti Ayu Ketut Panji,, istri beliau Ki Gusti Ketut Putra di Tukad Mungga, serta yang bungsu Ki Gusti Bagus Jlantik.
Adapun Ki Gusti Nyoman Oka, berputra Ki Gusti Putu Intaran, Ki Gusti Made Celagi, Ki Gusti Nyoman Jlantik Jebel, Ki Gusti Putu Gianyar, serta Ki Gusti Made Kaler. Kemudian Ki Gusti Ketut Rai, berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Jlantik, istri beliau Ki Gusti Bagus Rai dari Tukad Kemudian Ki Gusti Ketut Panji, berputra Ki Gusti Putu Panji, Ki Gusti Ayu Kompyang Sekar, istri beliau Ki Gusti Made Jlantik, Ki Gusti Ayu Made Rai, istri beliau Ki Gusti Nyoman Jlantik Jebel.
Adapun Ki Gusti Ketut Kaler, berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Kompyang Jlantik, istri beliau Ki Gusti Bagus Jlantik dari Bangkang, serta adiknya Ki Gusti Made Raka. Adapun Ki Gusti Ketut Ksatra, berputra Ki Gusti Bagus Jlantik Dawuh. Kemudian Ki Gusti Ketut Banjar, berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Dalem, istri beliau Ki Gusti Ketut Putu di Bangkang, Ki Gusti Ayu Made Rai, Ki Gusti Panji Cuweh, Ki Gusti Ayu Made Ayu, Ki Gusti Ketut Ayu, Ki Gusti Ayu Selat, Ki Gusti Made Jiwa, Ki Gusti Nyoman Raka, serta Ki Gusti Ayu Ketut Griya, beliau Semuanya ada di Bangkang, satu tempat suci untuk pemujaan bagi beliau semua. Adapun yang ada di Tukad Mungga, yang bernama Ki Gusti Putu Panji, berputra Ki Gusti Bagus Rai, Ki Gusti Ayu Jlantik, istri beliau Ki Gusti Putu Intaran di Tukad Mungga, Ki Gusti Made Oka, Ki Gusti Ayu Nyoman Rempeg, istri beliau Ki Gusti Putu Gianyar di Bangkang, serta Ki Gusti Ketut Cede. Ki Gusti Ketut Ksatra, berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Kompyang Sekar, istri beliau Ki Gusti Ketut Cede, di Tukad Mungga, adiknya Ki Gusti Made Jlantik. Adapun Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik, berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Kompyang Rai, istri beliau Ki Gusti Ketut Cede di Tukad Mungga.
Selanjutnya Ki Gusti Putu Batan, berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Putu Sekar, istri beliau Ki Gusti Ketut Ksatra di Bangkang, Ki Gusti Ayu Made Jlantik, istri beliau Ki Gusti Made Celagi di Bangkang, Ki Gusti Ayu Kompyang Ayu, istri beliau Ki Gusti Putu Griya di Singaraja, Ki Gusti Made Singaraja, Ki Gusti Ayu Nyoman Ayu, istri beliau Ki Gusti Nyoman Raka, Ki Gusti Ketut Bagus, serta yang bungsu Ki Gusti Ketut Putu.
Adapun beliau Ki Gusti Nyoman Jlantik, berputra Ki Gusti Putu Center, Ki Gusti Ayu Made Rai, istri beliau Ki Gusti Putu Cede di Bangkang, Ki Gusti Putu Selat, Ki Gusti Ayu Made Sekar, Ki Gusti Nyoman Jlantik Gunung, serta Ki Gusti Ketut Putra . Adapun Ki Gusti Ketut Kaler, berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Kompyang Kaler, serta Ki Gusti Ayu Made Griya, sama-sama diambil sebagai istri oleh Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik.
Selanjutnya Ki Gusti Bagus Jlantik Patih, berputra Ki Gusti Putu Intaran. Serta Ki Gusti Made Karang, beliau tidak mempunyai keturunan. Selanjutnya Ki Gusti Ketut Banjar, putra beliau tertua bernama Ki Gusti Putu Griya, adiknya Ki Gusti Ayu Made Panji, istri beliau Ki Gusti Putu Selat di Tukad Mungga, Ki Gusti Nyoman Raka, Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik, serta Ki Gusti Ayu Rai, istri beliau Ki Gusti Putu Intaran di Tukad Mungga. Demikian keturunan beliau yang ada di Tukad Mungga, Semuanya bersatu dalam satu tempat pemujaan masing-masing di desa Tukad Mungga.
Adapun Ki Gusti Ngurah Ketut Jlantik, bekas raja Buleleng yang terakhir, berasal dari keturunan di Kubutambahan, beliau mempunyai seorang putri, bernama Ki Gusti Ayu Kompyang, istri beliau Ki Gusti Made Singaraja, di Singaraja
sumber babad bali yayasan bali galang
Pranamyam sira dewam, bhuktimukti itarttaya, prawaksyatwa wijneyah, brahmanam ksatriyadih, patayeswarah.
After kalahnya Majesty King Bedahulu in Bali, by his Sri Aji Gemet Kala, as a protective area, which is located in Majalange, the situation in Bali at that time to be quiet, not so good time Patih Nirada Mada, see the order is broken, he was named Dang Hyang Kapakisan, a pandita already perfect, he used as bagawanta by Nirada Mada, he berputra the birth of the stones, the results of his cult to Hyang Surya (Asurya sewana), so get a woman in the park, that he eventually used by his wife , he finally berputralah men three people, one is a woman, they are nominated by the Gajah Mada to rule, dimohon to the pastor, the oldest dinobatkan in Brambangan, adiknya ruled in Pasuruhan, and the youngest to become the ruler in the region Bangsul ( balinese), called Dalem Sri Kresna Kepakisan, I Dewa Wawu Rawuh his name, he beristana in the village Samprangan, no longer a vassal of the king as bertahta Bali Aga Kapakisan the title Maharaja, among them, he Sirarya Kanuruhan, Wangbang Arya, Arya Kenceng , Dalancang Arya, Arya Tan Wikan, Pangalasan Arya, Arya Manguri, sira Wang Bang, Kuta last Arya Waringin, and have three more people wesya, named Tan Kober, Kawur Tan, Tan Backward
Long run wafatlah he Dalem Sri Kapakisan, he leaves three sons of men, one woman, who first called Dalem Samprangan, he is like oneself, the second called Dalem Tarukan, he is less healthy, wed her female relatives with the horse, the next youngest He called Dalem Ketut, who he replaces his father's position, then switch to the palace Swecalinggarsapura.
After his return to the afterlife, he is replaced by her son, who called Dalem Watu Renggong. After he died, he was replaced by her son, who titled Sagening Dalem, the next lot down the children and grandchildren, that is why there are levels of dignity kebangsawanan noble family (scoundrelly, medium, and major). They are the first son, by his Sri Aji Dalem Sagening
He told Kapakisan Arya, as mahapatih area Bali, the oldest son, he called Nyuh Aya, his younger brother Arya Asak, as He ancestor royalty Mengwi.
As he Arya Nyuh Aya, he berputra seven people, the oldest he Ki Patandakan Arya, his brother Ki Kasatrya Arya, Ki Pelangan Arya, Arya Akah, he Kaloping Arya, Arya Cacaran, and his Arya Anggan.
Back told the son he Ki Arya Cacaran, Ki Pananggungan Arya, Arya berputra Ki Pasimpangan, berputra Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, intrepid in his battle, he died in combat in Pasuruhan, he died young, he is the son, named Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik Bogol, for his father died in circumstances without weapons
Re-told, is a woman named Si Luh Pasek Panji, he really came from the village of Panji Den Hill area, he became abdinya Sri Aji Dalem Sagening, he is mature girl, at the time of day is good, only accidental Si Luh Pasek are void small (urine), urinary Si Luh terpijak by Pasek he Dalem, land used to feel hot water kencingnya, he Dalem subside, the next question he abdinya, who have used the urine, which is indeed asked to explain, that the Si Luh Pasek have used the urine, that's when he Dalem Sri Aji Sagening speculate mikirkan virtue Si-Luh Pasek Panji, a startled birahinya arise, because dimabuk love, finally digauli Si Luh Pasek, he finally succeeded diperistri by Aji Sri Dalem Sagening, accompanied by the completeness of the ceremony a wife, either how long, finally Si Luh Pasek look pregnant.
Finally, remember he Dalem Sri Aji Bali, because of time already arrived, he died to the afterlife, but there is no retribution against his Arya Jarantik, as the people trust him, because a lot of dedication that has been done with respect and obey his serve during the , from his first ancestor, with loyalty and obedience is strong, the growing feeling of affection he Dalem Sri Aji. That is why Si Luh Pasek Panji already given to pregnant Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, but there will be a message Dalem, to Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, that does not interfere menggauli sexual, and there is more promise Dalem, and when the child is born, so that Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik are willing to adopt as a foster child, that child with his brothers, named Ki Ngurah Jarantik, which have grown, does not deny that they are commanded.
How long has somehow, time will be after the birth, the child was born, he Si Luh Pasek Panji men are stacked without blemish, the crown of the child out light, as a potential leader, and the sacred and the winner in the battle, His heart Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik very happy, after being told Dalem, then the child
diupacarai, according to the Ngurah Arya Jarantik ceremony, the next child is given the name of Ki Barak Panji. The wife Ki Ngurah Jarantik, the heart does not agree, very morose and grief his heart, so that children see, that arise envy him, not because of the birth itself, will cause the child is suspected he tersisih later, for his own children, not Therefore perbawanya, kejengkelannya swallowed it, hidden in the heart continuously.
After Ki Barak Panji adult, he is to the king, to serve Sri Aji Dalem Sagening, next dikumpulkannya with my son the other Arya, who together serve.
Suddenly the night, when people fall asleep in the palace lelap, accidental Dalem Sri Aji ruangannya and out, accompanied by the empress, he appeared by two, there are rays of holy signifies prestige, at the head of one of abdinya, who was sleeping, terkejutlah he was two, then diperiksalah the servant who was sleeping, he setiba there, suddenly the rays disappear, then the child is sacred coruscate ditandailah with lime by his Sri Aji Dalem Sagening.
Next day, the Ki Barak Panji tersurat limestone, there Dalem Sri Aji Sagening believe the words Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, that the true crown child is out light, he overcloud heart, liver, he is very Dalem affection, but there will be ditakutkan in the heart, may Ki Barak Panji, will beat her son, who is expected to replace the king.
The long run, about twelve years after the general Ki Barak Panji, worried and suspicious heart Dalem, empress and their sire, as well as mind Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, including his wife, so he confer Dalem, accompanied by Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, search resourceful effort, trying to be separated from the accident spot, after the speech finished, Ki Barak Panji area is home to his mother in the village of Panji, Den Hill
Towards the departure to the village of Panji, he Dalem Sri Aji Sagening, is ready with a suite of my son, forty many people, has teruji keberaniannya, as the leader, called Dumpyung, along with Ki Dosot, and again there is a gift, give pengiringnya weapons keris, the Overall amounted to forty, the same chip, but when Dalem give the division of the keris pengiringnya one by one, in fact there are still left behind sebilah, in the form Mundarang Cacaran Bangbang (a kind of keris)
Then again gathered together the keris, after forty collected enough, the next is more keris share, as much as forty that, after obtaining the one by one, and the rest have one more blade, in the form Mundarang Cacaran Bangbang, as before, confused He Dalem Sagening heart, along with Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, and after repeated re-again, constantly keris is distributed, there is also the keris sebilah the rest, as they are.
After so occur in the new heart he Sri Aji Bali, terpikirkan that the keris is a behind, a relic of Ki Gusti Panji (Ki Barak Panji) actually, that is why the keris remaining, then given Ki Gusti Panji, already a relic Dalem given to him, others of those, there are more of a Dalem sebilah spear, called Ki Tunjung said, Ki Pangkajatatwa another name.
After he Dalem indue Ki Gusti Panji, at the time of day is good, he Ki Gusti Panji ask ourselves, then he went to the Den Hill, with the keris Dalem, accompanied by his mother, accompanied by Ki Ki Dumpyung that bring Pangkajatatwa, and Ki Dosot , along with the other train servant of thirty
Travel told Ki Gusti Panji, after he went from city Gelgel, drop in Jarantik, to worship in the city Jarantik, then go to the north, next to the west, entering the area Samprangan, then continue to the west, entering the area Kawisunya, achieved region Bandana that, next to his northwest, toward the Lake Pabaratan, after a four-day trip, he Ki Gusti Panji, stay in the trip, when the sun is slanting to the west, climbing a hill Watu Saga, Den Hill area, he stop there, while he was eating a Ketupat stock, and he choke-sedak time to eat (kilen-kilen), and Ki Dumpyung are going to see the water far below, and Ki Pangkajatatwa weapons, received by Si Luh Pasek Panji, and base tangkainya ditancapkan in the land , meant to put it, positively terbukti Hyang Widi his magnanimous, and radiate out from the holy water in the soil, which is ditancapi, roughly equal to the vessel out of water, but there is no flow to the outside of the hole, only remain as they are, very extraordinary purity of water, no measurable them all happy, especially his Ki Gusti Panji, and he drank water, the story so that the water first, then given the name of Banyu Anaman, Toya Katipat another name, to until now
After all finished eating, along with all pengiringnya, then return to continue his journey, turn to the west, when the day is the afternoon, the sun was already leaning to the west, to the sea and drowned. He Ki Gusti Panji chance is in the journey, on the Lake Bubuyan, suddenly a man came appearances, called Ki Panji Landung, direct dicegat Ki Gusti Panji, carried to the top, not the high estimated Ki Panji Landung, after it feels like heaven disundul pikirnya, and Ki Gusti Panji ordered to see to the east, he appeared by Ki Gusti Panji mountain Toya Anyar, are seen to the north, does not look anything, just look wide ocean, and he is to see to the west, appeared to go mountain Banger high, then again he is facing to the south, next Ki Gusti Panji told that was revealed, because he did not hear the power of mourning for his mother looked to the air, alone under the lie on the ground, along with followers of all, that is why Ki Gusti Panji down from the top, then saying grace states Ki Panji Landung, only to see such power, you can kuasai then, as a leader in the area of Bukit Den, you kuasai-glued to the corners of all, the words Ki Panji Landung, gift giving Ki Gusti Panji, after Ki Gusti Panji tread the ground, gaiblah Ki Panji Landung, immediately arises ibundanya hearts rejoice, along with all the followers, all the running, do not mind day and night, for a place that almost arrived dituju, equally expects to soon arrive in the area of Panji, the fact is thanks to gift gods, so do not get a pullback and others, and he survived the trip, next day early in the morning bright-light soil, suddenly, he Ki Gusti Panji has been in the area of Panji, the mother's family home, very happy family relative all, hasten to meet, prepare treat more, not long he Ki Gusti Panji Panji in the region, pengiringnya as many as thirty-eight to go home Swecanagara, which is still only participate Dumpyung with Ki Ki Dosot, as bound by love sir, never separate them both, the way he Ki Gusti Panji, to which any-chatting, bringing the keris
Told that they have successfully become a regional leader Panji, called Ki Pungakan Gendis, beristana in the Village of Gendis, all who enter the area Gendis a halt, and halt all subject to observe Pungakan Ki Gendis, at the time of the day, he went compete chickens to another village, ride horses furry brown old (horse gendis), quite a lot of soldiers accompanying him, diapit right-left, and their behind, equipped with umbrellas greatness, along with the swan-shaped jug of water, with beautiful puwan berperada, such as natural lakunya first , he straight trip to the north, follow the road, I Gusti accidental play, accompanied by the two abdinya, search of yam tubers in the moor in the western part of the road, and the keris Dalem not brought lepas, used tear yam, arrived have sounded out of the sky in sabda heard by Ki Gusti Panji, while the word, "Barak Panji Ai, do not you doubt to the grandfather, inappropriate conduct search for sweet potato, do not you doubt me, because there is a major in yourself , when you become a leader here, loved by the talented people in the world, and see keutamaanmu now, wait a moment, as there are enemies, called Ki Pungakan Gendis, who Gendis power in the Village, you must kill, not to hesitate in heart, I just tudingkan to the directions, I am going to the death, so the word is heard, heard by Ki Gusti Panji, along with two abdinya, dihentikanlah keris was made toy, and then next disarungkan.
Ki told Pungakan Gendis, after his trip rate, through the road, seen by his Ki Gusti Panji, timbullah anger in his heart, a result of the influence of the strength of the keris, because the objective has not been achieved, through the already kepergiannya Ki Pungakan Gendis, and be expected when his return from cockfighting chicken.
Bubarnya told after the people of cockfighting chicken, Ki Pungakan Gendis then went home, seen by Ki Gusti Panji, Ki Pungakan Gendis has almost arrived in the penantiannya, and Ki Gusti Panji immediately, rising to seek refuge in trees leca, which grows on the fringe of the road, while the keris Dalem draw, and then come Pungakan Ki Gendis, already near a tree that leca, and toward the keris diacungkan by Ki Gusti Panji, and Ki Pungakan Gendis died, still in a state of horseback riding, but will not be known by followers, only to run and sit here and there.
After that came Pungakan Ki Gendis, in front of her house, after a stop kudanya be tamed by followers, Ki Pungakan Gendis also not go down, like a painting firm, rigid body like corpses, mendelik glassy eyes, was a new note, if Ki Pungakan Gendis, already died, but no one knows for his death.
There are children Pungakan Ki Gendis, women alone, I called Dewa Ayu Juruh, barn may be the adult, is very beautiful without celanya, make people fall in love, while adiknya the men are still a child, which is expected to replace his father's position, because he will not seek resourceful effort, and mandated the Bendesa Ki Gendis, ruled the village Gendis
Either how long, suddenly have the boat from outside the area, located in the coastal Panimbangan, very hard-hearted Ki mpu Awwang, and then ask for assistance to Bendesa Ki Gendis, to pull the boat, and make arrangements, if the goal is successful, all the boat gift , because the boat was loaded with cargo multiformity all the beautiful-beautiful, such as clothing, cups, plates, dish, and various ingredients, causing a desire Bendesa Ki Gendis, and he was prepared to help him, and they continue to prescribe menabuh kentongan, bring followers of all, bring rope, bamboo, along with equipment to equipment, after all has come, soon to go to sea together, help each other all sesampainya full effort to help each issue idea / ideas, but does not work, a little boat that was not move, they all feel ashamed and angry, all eventually returned to her house each.
After that hearing ago by I Gusti Panji, if such circumstances, the next he went to place the boat was stranded, he does not forget to bring the keris Dalem that, and accompanied by its Dumpyung Ki Ki Dosot, after he arrived in the coastal beach, dijumpainya Ki Dampu Awwang, are crying lament-wail, and said berkaul, who is capable of helping perahunya, that success go to sea, all the boats this gift, due to be heard by such Ki Gusti Panji, and he is willing to pull the boat that, while keris dihunusnya that, after the diacungkan keris, terdengarlah sabda, do not worry, the word is heard by Ki Gusti Panji, along with two abdinya, and believe in his heart, berhasillah boat is encouraged, by the keris dihempaskan that, like the power given him by Hyang Widhi, successfully moving the boat, to the sea, no measurable flight to the ocean, the next boat back to the sidewalk, ditambatkan in the water, Ki mpu Awwang will not forget his promise, the entire contents of the boat, has been awarded Overall Ki Gusti Panji, after, the boat was back home to Java, not measurable happy heart Ki mpu Awwang. Start time that Ki Gusti Panji filled by wealth, and thence also the keris Dalem keutamaannya appear that, given the nickname Ki Semang.
After over twenty years the age of Ki Gusti Panji, the more famous in keutamaannya according Gendis and manners, his sweet words, make the hearts of all people happy, make the hearts of the villagers are interested Gendis, then all respect and abide kehadapan Ki Gusti Panji, extraordinary baktinya menghamba, elders (walaba) and its people equally defend, does not feel hot and cold, to menghamba Ki Gusti Panji, next dinobatkan titled Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, more people Gendis village, with its magnificent Parahyangan in the western part of the village Gendis, moved Panji to the village, by Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, in accordance with the agreement of the people all of the village, many more places to stay, berbondong carry-house crowd, and the shrine of Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, is done is done by people of all, after the position of Ki Gusti Ngurah pennon robust, thanks to better support all of the villages, he kawinlah with Ki Juruh Dewa Ayu, in the unanimous he married his wife, because they love the same.
Perhaps after he's rich, he finally make the keris from the gold, shaped Ratmaja filled with jewel encrusted Zamrud Mirah Adi (Lembu water). given a uniform eight very interesting life seems like, given the name Ki crew, because life itself possess the keris in the head. There is no rival, was in accordance with the beauty of carved ivory sheath, white is not vicious, given the slip of tissue, like adding keutamaannya keris Semang Ki.
Somewhen how ever, was successful in the world, kewibawaannya Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, Panji as the village authorities, and non-terkirakan berbondong crowd arrival of people from Lor Adri, then stay in the village of Panji, to serve before Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, immediate full crowded, orderly, beautiful sight of the village, because of added by the descendants of Ler Adri, equally devout menghamba kehadapan Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji.
Somehow the years, does not deviate gift Ki Panji Landung, and subject the people of east river We Nirmala, until the end of the village of Toya Anyar, from sea to the coastal mountains, such as Kyai Alit tune, from Kubwan Dalem, same subject serve, that does not have an evil in his heart, after all agree, and Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, developing regions, the next move the center of his kingdom, from Sangket Sukasada, Sukasada called because it is a position where, as always rise to the fun with all of the king and the servant of his people .
Some old and then, the village in the west Kulwan We become less serene, amazed and subject, all the authorities, along with people, all subject to sub serve Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, have called on the Kyayi Sasangkadri beristana of sugar cane, great-grandfather's Kyayi Chile hose, not want to comply, that is why Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, went to attack, accompanied by many soldiers crowded war, the same great brave in battle, he lost the next Kyayi Sasangkadri, the subject himself, then he menghamba, promised all the grandchildren and their children , as big as his offspring so that no one dare oppose forever ongoing, pleasure heart Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, Kyayi Sasangkadri ago, placed as the elders of sugar cane, for such eminence Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, very brave in the battlefield, be by the people, as a regional leader Den Hill, the leading keris Ki Semang blessing, along with tombaknya Ki Pangkajatatwa, that is why people settled in the area of Mount Ler, thenceforth be named Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti by the people, because kesaktiannya extraordinary, after Ler lead in the Mount, as a leader Sukasada lived in the palace, the first people there always have fun, enjoy the excitement his heart, the leaders, to the crowded hall rung, according to the whim lakunya good, no one dare to oppose the king he
He told the king to create a set of gamelan kingdom, with full equipment, terompong in front and behind, the name given Juruh Satukad, because his voice is very sweet, like a flood flow of honey, for example to meet the river.
Gongnya two, given the name of the Kadaton, for a split at the palace ditabuh (ginuwal) voices murmur. And again called Ki Ora Gagak the sounds, like the sound beribu crow-thousand. And petuk kajarnya, called Ki Tundung famous enemy imposing name Glagah Katunuwan, sound like the dry reed trees burned, exceptional sound like human ears slit, and more small gong, very thundering voice, like thunder scattered instance, that is why the name given the Dark Kasangka, for a change vote tatit at Kasanga months (March / April) perumpamaannya, such information gamelan kingdom Anglurah Sri Panji Sakti, and that is why the enemy insurgent was afraid, do not dare kesaktian see him, not be told more.
Told there is a Brahmin, kesaktiannya very great, he has reached the level astaiswarya, mpu Nirartha his name, the child Dang Hyang Asmaranatha, mpu Nirartha He went to Bali, after he arrived in Bali, he lived in the area Kemenuh Bala Batuh, have children, he beribu brahmani from Yawadwipa, the oldest woman he disappeared to the supernatural, live in a throw mpu Laki god as there until now, a man named Pedanda Kemenuh, many other maternal relatives, brahmani from Pasuruhan, there's a beribu Blambangan knight, his brother have beribu from Bendesa Mas. There are also beribu Sudra, servant of Bendesa Ki Mas.
He Pedanda Kemenuh as the son of man's oldest, he moved to Mount Ler, Kayu Putih village, he has knowledge of highly proficient in the science weda, consummate make keris, Pasupatinya sublime knowledge, he is very popular in the community, so there is Wood made a keris White, so his virtue, and he dimintalah, by Ki Gusti Panji Sakti, given his position as bagawanta, dinobatkan kingdom of the church, and he was ordered to change Ambengan row, he is given pursuivant / servant a river west of Bok-Bok , more or less, the number of 3000, next Pedanda Sakti Ngurah he called on the community, because very affectionate and loyal heart, he (Ki Gusti Panji Sakti) to clergy teacher, made in Sukasada home, so close together where, called Griya Romarsana, after the time came, he finally called to the afterlife, are in retreat White Wood, because he will not recognize the arrival end, he is the son of a substitute, such as the position of his father, as bagawanta of the king, and people gather, Pedanda Ngurah Sakti also named by Majesty the king, he never tired to emulate his father's expertise for the fun of the king, then have a penchant to make kris, the keris is very unusual buatannya, that is why there is a keris made Banjar, kesaktian a sharp weapon, such Pedanda Sakti Ngurah is love, because he remembers leluhurnya will not have another origin brothers indeed, at the time was in the area Yawadwipa, that is why there is agreement on both of his village Romarsana, not to separate, to keep each other, like in tears, the same boat together and arms, all have one be, a heavy-heavy-all, so the behavior is like brotherhood, and imitated by the public, such covenant, all are happy, that is why Romarsana village called Sangket, for use as a binding agreement, Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti with which he respected Pedanda Sakti Ngurah, more children and grandchildren, he, in order to forge good habits leluhurnya. The eldest son of Sri Bagawan Dwijendra, Pedanda Sakti Wawu Rawuh his name, because he came to the island Bangsul / Bali.
Re-told, the son of Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, born out of I Dewa Ayu Juruh, crown position as the son, the oldest named Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, such as the name of his father, and the second named Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Made, and the youngest named Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Wala, equally deplorable situation is not handsome, he is very quiet heart king, terbetik have in mind, ready to attack the area Brambangan, regional Yawadwipa, because he will remember the gift Ki Panji Landung, at first, and he makes -more resourceful effort, all the soldiers called the daredevil, who has frequently attacked the enemy, all the soldiers as a courageous leader, twenty in number, were the descendants of intrepid, invited to play crow-gagakan, by the King of Panji Sakti, and they all take turns to be crows, by Majesty the King asked, "Gagak what you expect?" The crow then said, there is a request food, drink, girls, gold jewel, clothing, and manikam, various demand respectively, have met all requests goak that, equally happy to crow that enjoy food and drink, clothing, food and clothing, not fed-fed equally satisfy the desire, so after that, he became king crow, asked by the governor of all, "Gagak keinginanmu what?", said Si crow ago, "raven, goak, I, keinginanku subjugate Brambangan ", all the soldiers shout, because the soldiers packed the watch. Once completed, preparing to set up the soldiers that, with full preparation, and the boat has been prepared, are ready to wait ditambatkan stay in command of the King, swing-swing in the ocean to the river discharge.
At the time of the day, suggested by Sri Bagawanta, Sri Bupati he departs, with a boat, diiring by many people, while the path that the boat passed, the temple Gading rural areas Tirta Arum beach, next to the area Banger, disergap by Dalem Brambangan, ramainya extraordinary battle that, like the clay mountains, berlautan blood in the battle field, he met with the next Brambangan Dalem, which is located in the middle field fight, the next one at a grass field strength in the fight, equally brave and sincere fleet fight, either how long the war lasts, and stuck Brambangan Dalem, his chest stabbed by Sri Panji Sakti, with a keris Ki Semang, and he Dalem Brambangan fall, then exhale winded last, finally falling into power Brambangan subject, all subject to apply to remain alive.
Didengarlah by the King of Solo, the severity of Sri Panji Sakti, and he formed a friendship two, then he is given Sri Panji Sakti elephant mount, after all is finished, Sri Panji Sakti return to Bali, with the flag-bearer of booty, all kinds of main, but there will be a disakitkan in the heart, because his son is still young, named Nyoman Ngurah Panji, Danudresta another name, has been killed in the battle field in Brambangan, not long sorrow and joy, he again, as its original state, as entertained by Sri Maha Bagawanta RSI, Pedanda Ngurah Sakti. Such intensity he heard Sri Panji Sakti
Told Sri Panji Sakti, a way to build the city (pura), Balalak in pategalan area, where the planting Buleleng, have found there, the mother leleng, many people who live there, where the terrain is, in the northern region Sukasada, after a large city where many people berbondong-group moved to go there, eventually, full of places to stay home, then given the name of Buleleng, and the palace residence of the king, the name given Singaraja, because clearly the courage of a lion king, and He is like the elephant elephant Nirwana, pens made in the north of the city, that is why the village is called plot, and the elephant herd, are from three people, the king of Solo, two people held in the northern swath, the next village called Java , and the one again, at close to the coastal Lingga Toya Mala, the origin of Prabulingga Yawadwipa, between the village and village plot (Village), and named the village Paguyangan, because the elephant he roll-gulingan digembalakan there, so first story .
After a long run, the Javanese village in Java, the offspring, and then divided up command of the King, placed in the forest Pagatepan, next Pagayaman also be given a name, as a guard in the mountain fortress.
How long either, back Sri Panji Sakti, go attack Jaranbana, because of furor Ki Semang keris, eventually destroyed the Jaranbana, can ditaklukan by Sri Panji Sakti.
Incalculable how long later, Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, heard the news, there is a very beautiful daughter named Ki Gusti Ayu Rai, brother of Ki Gusti Ngurah Made Agung, who Mengwi in power, he now wanted to melamarnya, will be used as a wife, utusan had run, and he declined dowry, he finally main Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, timbullah kemarahannya, want to destroy the Mengwi, kewibawaannya made because of pride, after the region capable Banger, then send his envoy, challenging area for combat Mengwi . He wants to complain, his soldiers are in the form of crow, raven, the soldiers with Mengwi, named for the famous youthful Tanjung Batan, along with youthful Munggu, disanggupi by authorities Mengwi, equally encouraging his soldiers for combat, many of hostilities, mutual rampage , co-tikam, jab, equally intrepid, he was seen by both, disuruhnya ago to end a war that, because he wants Ki Gusti Ngurah Made Agung, the courage to try and severity of the Ler Mountain, now he knew right keberaniannya-right in, giving adiknya sincere heart, the Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, not negotiations, he told two, after the same agreement, the king as the authoritative, singasana of the above, further Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti with Ki Gusti Ayu Rai dinikahkan, after such circumstances, he returned authorities Den Mountain, accompanied his wife Ki Gusti Ayu Rai, as logrolling love him to the king Mengwi, submitted Brambangan area, along with Jaranbana, by the ruler of Mount Ler.
After he settled in Buleleng district, does not have a brave fight against or desires, so Ki Ngurah Panji Sakti think you want to face with the reason for the combat, the Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, go to the mountain Batukaru, regional powers Bandana, accompanied many prajuritnya, equipped with weapons, he setiba there, he immediately damage Parahyangan Court Batukaru, all the holy dirusaknya, moved from the place, suddenly there are bees in tens amount, each the size of the handful, is not known from which the first home, like the will gods, he attacked the flow of Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, a disaster of Dewata pikirnya, not restrained by his Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, then he fled along with the prajuritnya, does not see to the back, because he already felt in the heart, that the curse Dewata on himself.
The long run, back Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, challenging the war, came to the region Badeng, along with soldiers and equipment, with a large elephant menunggangi, he setiba in the area of the northern sanctuary (temple Satria) Badeng, dihadang by many soldiers from the area Badeng, perangpun happens, tikam-cutting, but also finally make peace with the local authorities Badeng, areas where further action is called Taensiat, until now, because by the beginning of a war between soldiers Den Bukit, Badeng against soldiers. Next Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, taking his wife from the Banjar Ambengan Wesya of Badung
Some old and then, have heard the news, by Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, that the seed of Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, in the region by Dalem Jarantik dikecewakan Bali, Gelgel in the region, because the error does not give keris pusakanya, desired by Dalem, he is the cause in a sad heart, he wanted to leave the area Jarantik, tried to save themselves, because thought surely die, if not from the area Jarantik go, go away, pushed up kejengkelannya Ki Gusti Ngurah Agung, so spiteful to before Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, by because of such circumstances, he Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti immediately, go to the region Jarantik, obtained those who are in a palace in the heart is very sad, especially Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, menceriterakan kesusahannya, after power efforts, together they eventually went out of area Jarantik, finding a place to go to rural areas Tojan Bala Batuh, up command Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, then he delivers, and in the rest area north of Gianyar Beng village, there are crops there in the form of peanut, eaten by elephants mount his Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, so there is a region called Peanut Bedol, until now, because he ate elephant mount nuts on there, do not travel, he told the evacuate, and arrived in the area Tojan, met by Ki Bendesa Wayan Karang, of the Tojan area, next to his palace, he tunggangan Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, digembalakan in the area of the northwest region Tojan, therefore the area called Angon Liman, Liman name up until now, and at the timurnya have bush, where he Panji Sakti hunt, called Buruwan until now.
Either how long he Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti in Tojan, because of already powerful position Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, unbelievable happiness in both of his family relationship, warned the same agreement, so that love does not fade and the persistence of love kekeluargaannya ties, and seed, seed for a position and then, after each agreed that pledge, Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, kebesarannya shows, and award Ki Pangkajatatwa spear, to the grandchildren Ki Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, as the official gift to posterity, as the aim to sign in and then days, after he finished giving sermon to the children about the teachings Kamahayanikan grandchildren, and led the ceremony, and he returned home to Mount Den, the story.
How long either, because His will is, there Gelgel disintegration in the region, when the Sri Dalem Dewa Agung Jambe still small, because by nature greedy and durhakanya Kyayi Agung Maruti, hope-hope that will replace the king Gelgel, and already many of the ministers and the people a happy menghamba him (Kyayi Agung Maruti), by the cunning Kyayi Agung, embracing all people, accelerate very sweet and gentle, but also many of the Arya bujangga noble, does not like behavior Kyayi Court, the people thought to be different , co-leaders who seek their own groove, so it's going Gelgel commotion in the region, Sri Dalem Chile, was by the menterinya, brought to Singharsa hiding, he supported more by Ngurah Singarsa, thanks to baktinya sir.
Not long after, there were trials of the majestic punggawa, which still remain faithful to Dalem, as a leader he Ngurah Singharsa, after giving the letters to all foreign, to the Mount and to Ler Badung district, and all agree with one goal Ngurah Singharsa, would destroy Kyayi Agung Maruti, after the agreement equally depart from their respective regions, such as Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti already departing, complete with all kinds of weapons, infinite many, the road to meet with riuhnya, bermarkas in the village of Toya Panasan west Jinah , by the very people in distress there, by the weapons of Ler Mountain, so called Village Panasan until now, and met with soldiers from Kyayi Court Gelgel, as senapati Ki Dukut Kerta, faced by Ki Tamlang, governor he Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti , extraordinary battle that many, sergap each other, and then lose the defense Ki Kerta, tertikam chest, cut his head, died Ki Padang Kerta, by Ki Tamlang, disorderly soldiers turvy Ki Gusti Agung Maruti to be disbanded, can not afford to survive, so Ki Gusti Agung affected, joining running, fled from the battle, saying be pursued by soldiers from the Mountain Ler, such as Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, with a show of keris made of steel, bergagang wood pelet shaped babodolan, which already dihunus of sarungnya, how far Ki Gusti Agung Maruti fled, also continue to be pursued, and the right dibanjiri left by soldiers from Ler Adri, so he was beaten like a dog, because there is no road, so he turned back with prajuritnya, desires as well as for the battle completely, find a way Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti that ditujunya, he Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti ruler of Ler Adri very carefully, desires to compete in the battle, when will be doing, and then handles the keris is broken into two, the rod-shaped babodolan keris, damaged pukuh kerisnya, so Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti surprised stopped, then replace the weapon, take the keris Ki Semang inheritance, then Ki Gusti Agung Maruti can pull together the opportunity prajuritnya, haripun the night, it can not be pursued by Ki Gusti Panji Sakti, next to the Gelgel, there he express affirmation, all his descendants to the future, may not take the weapon of a head / babodolan shape, because not very useful, so the story.
Somewhen how ever, the government of Sri Panji Sakti, he remained in the palace Sukasada, lowering his son and many grandchildren, who have not dare to oppose the king of his command, all silent and loyal subject, each making activities, and who knows how long, after arrived one's fate, he finally Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji moksah, the natural Nirwana, family leave, leave many women, the son of man, each name, the oldest Ki Gusti Gede Ngurah Panji, who has replaced Den Hill became king, he lived in the palace Sukasada, adiknya named Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Made, born of a mother I Dewa Ayu Juruh.
I Gusti Alit Oka, I Gusti Made Padang, one of the birth mother who came from Wesya Banjar Ambengan Badung. She I Gusti Made Padang, taking a wife I Gusti Luh Abyan Diseases, children Ki Gusti Sakti, the king of Tabanan.
Ki Gusti Wayan Padang, Ki Gusti Made Banjar, a mother came from the village of Panji. And again I Gusti Ayu Panji, beribu Ki Gusti Ayu Rai, daughter of the king Mangwi, used by the wife of Ki Gusti Anom Ship Mangwi.
I Gusti Ngurah Panji Cede, have a daughter, named I Gusti Ayu Jelantik sauce, I Gusti Ngurah Panji Made, berputra I Gusti Ngurah Panji Bali, I Gusti Ayu hitched Jelantik sauce, I Gusti Panji Tahimuk, I Gusti Made Munggu, I Gusti Nyoman Panji, I Gusti Oka least.
I Gusti Alit Oka, have a daughter, named I Gusti Ayu Nambangan Mas, his other name I Gusti Ayu Den Hill, used by his wife Dalem Agung Dewa Made, who has delivered Dewa Agung Panji and their descendants.
I Gusti Made Padang berputra Ki Gusti Gede Jelantik, he moved to Jineng Dalem. I Gusti Wayan Padang, berputra Ki Gusti Lanang Jelantik, I Gusti Panji Dalugdag. I Gusti Made Banjar, berputra three men, all involved conduct Ki Gusti Ayu Nambangan Den Bukit Mas, to Klungkung. I Gusti Ayu Panji, wedded to the region Mangwi ship.
After each go to the afterlife, such as Ki Gusti Gede Ngurah Panji, along with Ki Gusti Made Ngurah Panji, and replaced by Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Bali, became the king in the Den Hill, the next he beristana in Sukasada, but the palace in Singaraja kept as a place to have fun, because it is made by leluhurnya, that is not lost and destroyed, remain powerful for his government, which does not have the perfidious act.
It's her son Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Bali, the two men different mother, the oldest named Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, he as the king's palace in Sukasada. Adiknya, named Ki Gusti Ngurah Jelantik, he became the king in Singaraja, because it is divided by regions Lor Adri by two brothers, the co-born empress of.
Meanwhile, I Gusti Made Munggu, Wayan berputra Ki Gusti Panji. Ki Gusti Wayan Gulyang, co-located in Singaraja, I Gusti Made Ksatra, I Gusti Made Ino, and I Gusti Ketut intaran Friend, who went to Patemon, and again I Gusti Nyoman Patandakan, who went to Bon Tihing. I Gusti Nyoman Panji, berputra I Gusti Wayan Ksatra; I Gusti Made Ino, and I Gusti Ketut intaran Friend, in the same Sukasada. I Gusti Oka, he does not berputra. The Ki Gusti Gede Jelantik, he had two daughters, named I Gusti Ayu RAKA the oldest, used by his wife in power in Sukasada, and the second, I Gusti Ayu Rai, his wife by his use of power in Singaraja. The three people that follow the I Gusti Ayu Mas Nambangan, in Klungkung, pindahnya from Banyuning, they settle to live in Banjar Klungkung Bee, they decrease the many descendants there, subject to the faithful that he diikutinya. Ki Gusti Lanang Jelantik, berputra Ki Gusti Alit Ksatra. Ki Gusti Panji Dalugdag, berputra Ki Gusti Panji Celuk Good, along with his brother in Banyuning. So he went looking for a place to stay, because people equally staunch menghamba.
The long run, as a man who does not escape from the hardship and disease, unexpected fate of the earth, there were disputes in the family, in power in Sukasada, with the power in Singaraja, the longer the conflicts they are hard, no one dare to allow it , for the very same trust scandal, so that power in Singaraja, requesting assistance to Ki Gusti Ngurah Ketut Karangasern, in Amlapura King, as a schemer I Gusti Nengah Sibetan Wiweka, as the village authorities, what is said, in Singaraja Raja Ki Gusti Ngurah Jelantik, make arrangements beforehand rewards, if the goal has been reached, subject to the sister, who Sukasada in power, will be willing to share tax earth Den Mountain, co-lead the earth Buleleng, as the only leader Ki Gusti Ngurah Jelantik, as a symbol quoad Sri Amlapura as Regent of the young king (iwaraja), as leader of government strategy and tactics (makocering niti), the covenant is approved by the lead he Karangamla, immediately put the soldiers with weapons, complete with all the equipment, all Karangasern troops, ready to Den go to the Mount, the city Singaraja
Not long after, heard by brother, if adiknya ask for help from Karangasern, have all prajuritnya up there, to the extraordinary adiknya angry, so that all are called prajuritnya collected, along with weapons that insistently tan-ceasing, with a prelude attack Singaraja town, the soldiers spread vociferous attack, it is known by authorities, he Singaraja, so that together bersiaga, and there were a war, between the two palaces, a theater, after the two sides together to do battle, each berguguran. push push, tikam-cutting, another spear, while the head as I Gusti Ngurah Jelantik, so the soldiers Sukasada be a push, because most of the enemy, with dibanjiri courage, suddenly equally disperse and flee back, have felt in the hearts , will be the death almost arrived, that is why Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji become angry, through to mid-field fight, to bring to the front of the keris heirdom Ki Semang, with very terrible rage, a lot of enemies who killed him, because most opponents, the same does not want the reverse, the two sides finally Karangasern and gather Singaraja, the coop, so Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji dikerubut can, seize kerisnya grown, so that it can be taken by musuhnya, senjatanya loose end after he was stabbed, he memancur blood, so gugurlah beristana in which he Sukasada, subject to all of his soldiers seeking refuge, eventually all soldiers Ler Mount menghamba to gather Ki Gusti Ngurah Jelantik, as a regional leader Den Bukit, beristana in Singaraja, as the young king that he titled I Gusti Nyoman Karangasern, descendants of Arya Patandakan , co-beristana in Singaraja, who moved from Karangasern, for his command of Ki Gusti Ngurah Ketut Karangasern.
The long run, one's fate after arriving, he was I Gusti Ngurah Jelantik died, but because the power liciknya king Amlapura his efforts, eventually spread also known by the people, seemed good at grasping and greedy friends, relying on the strength of arms and people, and the train of war and supplies, the content of negotiations behind the first, I Gusti Nyoman Karangasern dinobatkan Singaraja become king.
As for his children I Gusti Ngurah Jarantik, the oldest named Ki Gusti Good Jelantik Banjar, as domiciled in the governor's palace Bangkang, We in the western part of the Mala.
Not long after, Ki Gusti Nyoman Karangasern, ruled as king of Den Hill, died because he attacked by the disease, and then replaced by Ki Gusti Agung Made Karangasern Sori, Karangasern descent, more or less for three years he was in power, he came down from the throne, because he did not expressly rule of the people, so he chose the face, not fair to the people.
While he is replacing, titled Ki Gusti Ngurah Agung, also from the beginning Karangasern, since the old rogue in Jembrana, so that he died in Pangambengan Jambrana, attacked by soldiers with weapons, because people Jambrana does not agree to his menghamba.
Re-told, Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, Sukasada the king, who died in the battle field before, so there is a westerner named village, until now, is a former two brothers battle, who died in battle, leaving the son, named Ki Gusti Ketut Panji, the defeated in battle and are still alive, next beristana in Sukasada.
The winners in the battle, has a son named Ki Gusti Jlantik Good Banjar, as he was domiciled in the governor's palace Bangkang, they were killed because of landslides, the Isaka 1737 (1815 M), for the mud flow from the mountain, go to the region and Sukasada Bangkang, many people who died was buried by mud.
It's his brother Ki Gusti Good Jlantik Banjar, named Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik, not death by a flood of mud, because he has moved to Kubutambahan, and adiknya called Ki Gusti Made Jlantik, evacuate villages Pereyan Tabanan, he died there, while the youngest named Ki Gusti Ketut Panji, he still remained in Singaraja.
The son of Ki Gusti Wayan Ksatra, named Ki Gusti Panji Wayan, Ki Gusti Wayan Panebel, and Ki Gusti Nyoman Panarungan, each still in Sukasada, all died down in the mud in Isaka 1737 (1815 F).
The Ki Gusti Ayu Den Bukit, which is taken as a wife by his Dalem Smarapura, berputra Dewa Agung Panji, he is down Cokorda Agung Mangwi, along with Agung Dewa Putu Getakan in the region, and Cokorda Mayun Giri, in the area Nyalian.
The relative his brother, he Ki Gusti Ayu Den Mountain, which he followed in Klungkung first, that most older people who are down on Mount Rata, adiknya berputra down those who are in the Gianyar Sampyang, while most small berputra in the area Bees Klungkung.
Re-told, Ki Gusti Ketut Panji, berputra Ki Gusti Gede Panji, Ki Gusti Made Clagi, and Ki Gusti Nyoman Pinatih, equally in the Sukasada. Ki Gusti Jlantik Good Banjar, berputra Ki Gusti Good Suwi, and Ki Gusti Made akeh, equally in the Bangkang.
The Ki Gusti Made Panji Muna, Ki Gusti berputra Good Jlantik Kalyanget. Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik, berputra Ki Gusti Wayan Ksatra, is in the Kubutambahan, adiknya Ki Gusti Made Jlantik, is in the Panarukan.
The Ki Gusti Made Jlantik, who died in Pereyan, berputra Ki Gusti Wayan Jlantik, is in the Sasak. Meanwhile, Ki Gusti Ketut Panji in Singaraja., Co-located in Singaraja.
It's his brother went to Patemon, and to Bon Tihing, and to Depaha. The Ki Gusti Panji Wayan, Ki Gusti Wayan Panebel, and Ki Gusti Nyoman Panarungan, down the same family, next of Sukasada moved to Singaraja.
Gede told Ki Gusti Panji, berputra Ki Gusti Putu Panji, Ki Gusti Made Kari, and Ki Gusti Ketut Panji, equally in the Sukasada. Ki Gusti Made Celagi his son down a lot. Ki Gusti Nyoman Pinatih, have a daughter named I Gusti Ayu Rai, brother and man-lakinya. Ki Gusti Good Suwi, in Bangkang, have a daughter Ki Gusti Ayu Made Ayu, along with a brother. Ki Gusti Made akeh, in Bangkang, berputra I Gusti Nyoman Panji, I Gusti Ketut Jlantik Sangket, along with his brother in Bangkang. Ki Gusti Good Jlantik Kalyanget, moved from Tukad Mungga, he was the son of Ki Gusti Jlantik Good Batupulu, adiknya Ki Gusti Made Batan, in the same Tukad Mungga. The Ki Gusti Wayan Ksatra in Kubutambahan, I Gusti Putu berputra Kari, Ki Gusti Putu Kebon other names, have adiknya a woman named Ki Gusti Ayu Made Batan.
The Ki Gusti Made Jlantik, in Panarukan, berputra Ki Gusti Putu Ayu Puji, Ki Gusti Ayu Jlantik, Ki Gusti Ayu Rai, and Ki Gusti Putu Ayu intaran Rudi. Then I Gusti Wayan Jlantik located in Sasak, berputra Ki Gusti Made Jlantik Jwala, and Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik Jwali. The Ki Gusti Good Ksatra, in Singaraja, berputra Good Ki Gusti Rai, and his brother, not be told more.
Back told. after he Ki Gusti Ngurah who died in Pangambengan, he replaced, by a named Ki Gusti Agung Pahang, Isaka at 1751 (1829 M), he moved Singaraja palace, to the west of the road, either the duration of a king, because it has been pushed by His will, eventually quit his savage nature, is not alleged to have kewibawaannya rival, behave obscene, in violation of ethics, so that already exist, gamya-gamana, and berselingkuh with his sister, it is known by the menterinya, and all the people, will Overall but keeps in mind, that no one dares to open the mouth, will be master of crime, but all that has been obvious all know, but ostensibly not know, so he Ki Gusti Ngurah Pahang was a-was, impossible not think people will resist all his power, but a vicious intention of the people, to the follow-tanduknya, not worth die, dibunuhnya also always bat, not a few people hurt, suspicious because of the self perilakunya on the obscene. Approximately three years he became king, have called the arya Ki Gusti Good Ksatra from Singaraja, his brother Ki Gusti Made Singaraja, the child he Ki Gusti Ketut Panji, he Ki Gusti Good Ksatra, is killed by Ki Gusti Agung Pahang, for provide food to his fish shrimp, presumed by his king, will be a stop for a king Den Hill, who is also named Wayan Rumyani, Pan Apus other name, it is the people who held a perbekel, dibunuhnya also participate, because the king appears as a madman , will clearly disangkanya harm.
Next corpse Ki Gusti Good Ksatra, ditambatkan in the field, left-right ears were given red hibiscus flowers, mayatnya a spectacle of the people, and adiknya Ki Gusti Made Singaraja, to the king, seeking mercy, seeking corpse brother, was not allowed by his king, after the evening, the relative mayatnya handed to his brother.
Because of such circumstances, extraordinary angry Ki Gusti Made Singaraja, along with his family all relative, all descendants of intrepid Sri Panji Sakti, and with the negotiations, after the decision, forcing through the palace entrance.
At the time of the day, he is the king <> Pahang a crowd at the palace, a leather puppet show, now named as Dalangnya Ki Gulyang, from the village of Banjar, it is an opportunity for all arya, took aim at the palace rage, with the weapons are ready, just waiting he sang out the king, watching, until midnight, also Ki Gusti Agung Pahang has not come out, watch the puppet, while puppeteer Ki Gulyang are war puppet play, finally exhausted all the arya wait, they eventually spread stir, a rage of those who watch the puppet , there is a thrust to the mastermind who is playing puppet, layarnyapun tear, while the puppeteer is being held at that time Bima puppets, and puppet Tuwalen, and to bring Capala, because kagetnya, and he jumps flee seek protection, bringing the puppet Bima and Tuwalen, with capalanya.
Not be told that the number of dead and injured people in the watch, perplexed turvy, looking for protection, so that the hurly-burly wigwag, both in the palace, greeted with the sound kentongan bertalu-talu, riuhnya extraordinary people, seisi palace, the same -out with the same weapon, same wait on the road, because no one dares to enter the palace, by the very dark.
Told Ketut have called Coral, as head of the palace guard, he lived in Panataran, he spoke, reminding Ki Gusti Made Singaraja, and their followers, told to go home, because he is the king went evacuate to leave the palace, will not be successful if direct entry to in the palace, the aim may be to meet the danger, so cegahan Ketut Coral, and their attack back home all, the house of each.
The next day, Ki Gusti Agung Pahang, presented in the trial, faced by all the foreign, but the Den Bukit arya not participate, making a trial, about the rebellion arya Buleleng, a rebel rampage in the palace, the king after the agreement is completed, after it was agreed by the arya Karangasern offspring, that will kill all the arya Buleleng, men women, old young, that does not have left, for the great sin against the king, after such circumstances, do not wait a day, were the sudden passing prajuritnya complete with weapons, is to destroy the arya in the Ler Adri, the slow action of the arya quickly shrug off the less, that were destroyed along with their children (arare chili), because of the very great bersenjatanya implement the right of the king, that is why berpuluh even hundreds of them that can be stabbed with a kris and spears, all resulting in death, like the montane berlautan corpses and blood reality, so be told.
In fact, for His will not be able to create the seed of greatness he Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji, although some of the many soldiers he, memporak-porandakan the arya Den Bukit, but encouraged by the strength of the sacred that he has mendahuluinya (died), they may not out destroyed, have also left, the lower the seed of success until now, protected by the gods like persembunyiannya, so that apart from death, who is still alive, so the question about, among them, Ki Gusti Made Kari, Ki Gusti Ketut Panji , equally in Sukasada, he is equally moving to the Village Ship Mangwi, he is the offspring of the Sukasada down until now. The Ki Gusti Nyoman Panji, along with his brother Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik Sangket, same sneak away in the forests of the village of Panji, he is down in the palace arya Bangkang until now.
The Good Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik Batupulu, and adiknya Ki Gusti Made Batan, equally evacuate the village Soka Tabanan, he is a relative decrease of the arya Tukad Mungga, until now.
Next Ki Gusti Putu Kebon, Ki Gusti Putu Kari his name, went to the village Pakisan, and succeeded in lowering the palace Kubutambahan. The Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik Jwali, down the descent in Coral Buleleng Sasak until now.
In short, what the share is still alive, because the people fed by each, which is a tribute menghamba, tried to save themselves.
Re-told, will not deviate His decree, during the act of living is driven by first deeds, the Ki Gusti Ngurah Pahang, growing murkanya savage, like the evil of him, the more immediately known by all the people, deeds gamya-gamana with younger brother, the heat during the rainy season, harvest is not successful, the needs of day-to-day rarely, a country split, so that people become noisy, quarrel, fight with relatives, not co-checked by the foreign as well as all the people, then Ki Gusti Agung Pahang its armed people, finally fled to the region Karangasern, he Arriving there, he was eventually killed by the people Karangasern.
He was replaced by a named Ki Gusti Ngurah Made, which replaces the royalty Buleleng, he also Karangasern descent, he is assisted by a named Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik Gingsir, position as governor, given the mandate ruled country Buleleng, Ki Gusti courage he Patih to which the famous -mana sampai ke pelosok Pulau Bali, sebab beliau mengalahkan desa-desa yang ada di wilayah pegunungan Bangli, seperti Payangan, sangat luar biasa pujian rakyat, akan keberanian beliau menggempur musuhnya yang sakti.
Entah berapa tahun lamanya, tiba-tiba ada perbedaan pendapat Ki Gusti Patih Ketut Jlantik, berselisih dengan pemerintahan Belanda, menyebabkan terjadinya permusuhan, perangpun terjadi sangat hebat, antara Belanda dengan rakyat Bali, lamanya perang hingga tiga tahun, akhirnya rakyat Den Bukit mengalami kekalahan, oleh pemerintahan Belanda, pada Isaka 1768 ( 1846 M), adapun raja Ngurah Made, serta Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik, disertai prajuritnya, lari pergi menuju wilayah Karangasern.
Setelah demikian, tidak ada lagi keturunan raja Karangasern yang memerintah di Buleleng, dan pemerintahan Belanda yang berhasil menang di Buleleng, untuk menjalankan pemerintahan, kembali mengangkat raja, memilih raja keturunan Den Bukit seperti dulu kala, setelah pembicaraan selesai, disetujui oleh para manca dan punggawa semua, diusahakan mencari yang benar-benar keturunan para arya, keturunan Sri Panji Sakti dahulu, yang memerintah di Den Gunung, sebab dipilih oleh semua orang yang menginginkan, sehingga dinobatkan bergelar Ki Gusti Made Rai di Sukasada, menjadi penguasa Den Bukit, beliau adalah putra dari Ki Gusti Made Kari, yang pergi ke daerah Kapal Mangwi, pada saat diserang oleh Ki Gusti Agung Pahang dahulu.
Ada saudara tertua beliau Ki Gusti Made Rai seorang wanita, bernama Ki Gusti Ayu Pakisan, adiknya bernama Ki Gusti Ayu Rai, yang laki bernama Ki Gusti Made Panji, serta Ki Gusti Nyoman Panarungan.
Adapun adik beliau Ki Gusti Made Kari, yang bernama Ki Gusti Ketut Panji, beliau berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Griya, Ki Gusti Agung, serta Ki Gusti Ayu Bulan, sama-sama berada di Sukasada.
Adapun Ki Gusti Nyoman Panji, yang pergi menuju desa Alas Panji, berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Sekar, Ki Gusti Made Banjar, Ki Gusti Nyoman Banjar, serta Ki Gusti Ketut Tangkeban.
Adapun adik beliau Ki Gusti Nyoman Panji, yang bernama Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik Sangket berputra Ki Gusti Wayan Jlantik, Ki Gusti Nyoman Oka, Ki Gusti Ketut Rai serta yang lain ibu dengan Ki Gusti Ayu Kompyang Panji, Ki Gusti Ayu Nyoman Rai, Ki Gusti Ketut Ksatra, Ki Gusti Ketut Banjar, serta Ki Gusti Ayu Kaler, sama-sama kembali ke Bangkang.
Adapun Ki Gusti Bagus Jlantik Batupulu, yang pergi ke desa pegunungan di daerah Soka Tabanan, berputra Ki Gusti Putu Panji, Ki Gusti Ayu Mas, Ki Gusti Ketut Ksatra, serta Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik, semua kembali ke wilayah Desa Tukad Mungga.
Juga adik beliau yang bernama Ki Gusti Made Batan, berputra Ki Gusti Putu Batan, Ki Gusti Ayu Made Taman, Ki Gusti Nyoman Jlantik, Ki Gusti Ketut Kaler, Ki Gusti Ayu Rai, Ki Gusti Ayu Panji, Ki Gusti Bagus Jlantik, Ki Gusti Made Karang, Ki Gusti Ketut Banjar, serta Ki Gusti Ayu Nyoman Soka nama beliau, sebab lahir di desa Soka, pada saat mengungsi dahulu, itu Semuanya lalu bertempat tinggal di Tukad Mungga. Selanjutnya membangun tempat pemujaan di rumahnya di Tukad Mungga, meniru yang ada di istana Bangkang.
Adapun Ki Gusti Putu Kari, Putu Kebon nama lain beliau, yang pergi ke Desa Pakisan, beliau berputra Ki Gusti Bagus Panji Cuwag, Ki Gusti Ketut Kaler, Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik, serta Ki Gusti Ayu Putu, Semuanya kembali ke Kubutambahan.
Juga beliau Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik Jwali, berputra Ki Gusti Bagus Jlantik, Ki Gusti Made Rai, serta Ki Gusti Nyoman Jlantik, sama-sama bertempat tinggal di Sasak.
Yang lainnya, ketika diserang oleh beliau Ki Gusti Agung Pahang, dahulu, oleh karena para Arya Buleleng sama-sama mencari keselamatannya masing-masing, ada para arya yang berbudi ingkar lupa akan leluhurnya, tidak mengetahui asal-usulnya, menuruti jalan hidupnya, sehingga tinggal di rumah orang yang beragama Islam di pesisir Singaraja, yang sudah jelas tidak setia pada agamanya, menjadi beragama Islam, ada keturunannya sampai sekarang, setelah bercampur dengan orang-orang yang beragama Islam.
Entah beberapa lamanya, lebih kurang tiga tahun lamanya, Ki Gusti Made Rai menjadi raja Buleleng, akhirnya beliau turun dari singgasana, oleh karena tidak menghiraukan rakyat, didorong oleh nafsu, tenggelam dalam sabungan ayam, tidak ingat akan kewajibannya sebagai raja, beberapa bulan meninggalkan istana, tinggal diam di desa Panji, diiring oleh para penjudi, sangat keras mengikuti keinginan berjudi.
Setelah mendapat kata sepakat oleh pemerintahan Belanda, dibantu oleh para menteri, punggawa semuanya, sehingga dipilih beliau Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik di Kubutambahan, putra beliau I Gusti Putu Kari, dinobatkan menjadi raja di Buleleng, sebab beliau memang benar-benar keturunan Sri Agung Panji Sakti, keturunan keempat dari Ki Gusti Agung Rai.
Kemudian dari hasil keputusan pemerintahan Belanda, pindah dari Kubutambahan beristana di Singaraja, bergelar Ki Gusti Nglurah Ketut Jlantik, dibantu oleh ayah beliau Ki Gusti Putu Kari, berkedudukan sebagai punggawa di Kubutambahan.
Adapun ipar baginda raja, bernama Ki Gusti Putu Batan, raja muda dengan jabatan sedahan agung kedudukan beliau, dan Ki Gusti Bagus Jlantik, patih kedudukan beliau, semula berkedudukan di Tukad Mungga, selanjutnya pindah ke Singaraja, Puri Kanginan, lain dari itu, masih berada di Tukad Mungga, sama-sama diberi kedudukan oleh baginda raja, demikian keluarga raja keturunan istana Bangkang, serta yang berada di Sukasada, menyebabkan tenang dan sempurna baginda raja, dibantu oleh sanak keluarga dan tanda mantri serta punggawa.
Entah berapa lamanya, bagaikan kehendak-Nya, sebab sudah tiga giliran waktunya pembagian takdir Yang Maha Kuasa, disertai dengan perputaran jaman, menyebabkan keadaan menjadi kacau, menyebabkan banyak yang saling fitnah, diakibatkan oleh keinginan Belanda untuk menguasai negara, dengan cara-caranya sendiri, sehingga ada saja alasannya untuk menghukum, menyalahkan Ki Gusti Ngurah Ketut Jlantik, sehingga beliau diberhentikan menjadi raja, selanjutnya beliau dijadikan orang buangan di Pulau seberang yaitu wilayah Padang Pulau Sumatra.
Setelah keadaan demikian, selanjutnya Belanda sebagai penguasa daerah Buleleng, tidak ada rajanya lagi, hanya Ki Gusti Bagus Jlantik kedudukannya sebagai patih, sebagai pemimpin orang-Bali di Buleleng.
Kembali diceritakan, tentang keturunan beliau Ki Gusti Made Rai di Sukasada, beliau banyak menurunkan keturunan, yang tertua Ki Gusti Bagus Rai, adiknya Ki Gusti Made Ksatra, Ki Gusti Nyoman Karang, Ki Gusti Ketut Tangi, Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik, Ki Gusti Bagus Dalang, Ki Gusti Ayu Ketut Rai, Ki Gusti Putu Gunung, Ki Gusti Nyoman Jlantik Ceples, Ki Gusti Ayu Jlantik, Ki Gusti Ketut Perasi, Ki Gusti Nyoman Jlantik, Ki Gusti Ketut Rai, Ki Gusti Ayu Putu, beliau dijadikan istri oleh Ki Gusti Putu Griya, di Singaraja.
Adapun Ki Gusti Made Panji, berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Turun. Adapun I Gusti Nyoman Panarungan, berputra Ki Gusti Bagus Bebed, sama-sama berkedudukan di Sukasada.
Adapun Ki Gusti Agung, pindah ke Depaha, berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Sekar, Ki Gusti Ayu Made Panji, Ki Gusti Ayu Made Rai Kebring, yang dijadikan istri oleh Ki Gusti Made Singaraja, di Singaraja, Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik, Ki Gusti Putu Canang, Ki Gusti Made Togog, Ki Gusti Ayu Nyoman Tilem, Ki Gusti Ketut Panji, serta Ki Gusti Ayu Jlantik.
Adapun yang berada di istana Bangkang, Ki Gusti Made Banjar, berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Dangin, istri beliau Ki Gusti Nyoman Gunung, di Tukad Mungga, Ki Gusti Ayu Mas, Ki Gusti Nyoman Jlantik, serta KI Gusti Made Panji.
Adapun Ki Gusti Nyoman Banjar, berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Kompyang Panji, Ki Gusti Made Selat, serta Ki Gusti Ketut Putu. Adapun Ki Gusti Ketut Tangkeban, beliau tidak mempunyai keturunan.
Adapun Ki Gusti Wayan Jlantik, berputra Ki Gusti Putu Cede, Ki Gusti Made Jlantik, Ki Gusti Ayu Nyoman Ayu, istri beliau Ki Gusti Nyoman Jlantik, Ki Gusti Ayu Kajeng, Ki Gusti Ayu Rai, istri beliau Ki Gusti Putu Intaran, di Bangkang, Ki Gusti Ayu Ketut Panji,, istri beliau Ki Gusti Ketut Putra di Tukad Mungga, serta yang bungsu Ki Gusti Bagus Jlantik.
Adapun Ki Gusti Nyoman Oka, berputra Ki Gusti Putu Intaran, Ki Gusti Made Celagi, Ki Gusti Nyoman Jlantik Jebel, Ki Gusti Putu Gianyar, serta Ki Gusti Made Kaler. Kemudian Ki Gusti Ketut Rai, berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Jlantik, istri beliau Ki Gusti Bagus Rai dari Tukad Kemudian Ki Gusti Ketut Panji, berputra Ki Gusti Putu Panji, Ki Gusti Ayu Kompyang Sekar, istri beliau Ki Gusti Made Jlantik, Ki Gusti Ayu Made Rai, istri beliau Ki Gusti Nyoman Jlantik Jebel.
Adapun Ki Gusti Ketut Kaler, berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Kompyang Jlantik, istri beliau Ki Gusti Bagus Jlantik dari Bangkang, serta adiknya Ki Gusti Made Raka. Adapun Ki Gusti Ketut Ksatra, berputra Ki Gusti Bagus Jlantik Dawuh. Kemudian Ki Gusti Ketut Banjar, berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Dalem, istri beliau Ki Gusti Ketut Putu di Bangkang, Ki Gusti Ayu Made Rai, Ki Gusti Panji Cuweh, Ki Gusti Ayu Made Ayu, Ki Gusti Ketut Ayu, Ki Gusti Ayu Selat, Ki Gusti Made Jiwa, Ki Gusti Nyoman Raka, serta Ki Gusti Ayu Ketut Griya, beliau Semuanya ada di Bangkang, satu tempat suci untuk pemujaan bagi beliau semua. Adapun yang ada di Tukad Mungga, yang bernama Ki Gusti Putu Panji, berputra Ki Gusti Bagus Rai, Ki Gusti Ayu Jlantik, istri beliau Ki Gusti Putu Intaran di Tukad Mungga, Ki Gusti Made Oka, Ki Gusti Ayu Nyoman Rempeg, istri beliau Ki Gusti Putu Gianyar di Bangkang, serta Ki Gusti Ketut Cede. Ki Gusti Ketut Ksatra, berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Kompyang Sekar, istri beliau Ki Gusti Ketut Cede, di Tukad Mungga, adiknya Ki Gusti Made Jlantik. Adapun Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik, berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Kompyang Rai, istri beliau Ki Gusti Ketut Cede di Tukad Mungga.
Selanjutnya Ki Gusti Putu Batan, berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Putu Sekar, istri beliau Ki Gusti Ketut Ksatra di Bangkang, Ki Gusti Ayu Made Jlantik, istri beliau Ki Gusti Made Celagi di Bangkang, Ki Gusti Ayu Kompyang Ayu, istri beliau Ki Gusti Putu Griya di Singaraja, Ki Gusti Made Singaraja, Ki Gusti Ayu Nyoman Ayu, istri beliau Ki Gusti Nyoman Raka, Ki Gusti Ketut Bagus, serta yang bungsu Ki Gusti Ketut Putu.
Adapun beliau Ki Gusti Nyoman Jlantik, berputra Ki Gusti Putu Center, Ki Gusti Ayu Made Rai, istri beliau Ki Gusti Putu Cede di Bangkang, Ki Gusti Putu Selat, Ki Gusti Ayu Made Sekar, Ki Gusti Nyoman Jlantik Gunung, serta Ki Gusti Ketut Putra . Adapun Ki Gusti Ketut Kaler, berputra Ki Gusti Ayu Kompyang Kaler, serta Ki Gusti Ayu Made Griya, sama-sama diambil sebagai istri oleh Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik.
Selanjutnya Ki Gusti Bagus Jlantik Patih, berputra Ki Gusti Putu Intaran. Serta Ki Gusti Made Karang, beliau tidak mempunyai keturunan. Selanjutnya Ki Gusti Ketut Banjar, putra beliau tertua bernama Ki Gusti Putu Griya, adiknya Ki Gusti Ayu Made Panji, istri beliau Ki Gusti Putu Selat di Tukad Mungga, Ki Gusti Nyoman Raka, Ki Gusti Ketut Jlantik, serta Ki Gusti Ayu Rai, istri beliau Ki Gusti Putu Intaran di Tukad Mungga. Demikian keturunan beliau yang ada di Tukad Mungga, Semuanya bersatu dalam satu tempat pemujaan masing-masing di desa Tukad Mungga.
Adapun Ki Gusti Ngurah Ketut Jlantik, bekas raja Buleleng yang terakhir, berasal dari keturunan di Kubutambahan, beliau mempunyai seorang putri, bernama Ki Gusti Ayu Kompyang, istri beliau Ki Gusti Made Singaraja, di Singaraja
sumber babad bali yayasan bali galang
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